Who seeks help from the School Social Worker?


  • I feel totally overwhelmed and can't seem to keep up with my assignments

  • I’m new here and I can’t seem to make friends

  • Things are very stressful at home

  • I’m worried about my work and I wonder if I’ll pass

  • I think I am depressed

  • I don’t have a problem - it's just that my dog died and I need to talk with someone because I'm sad and can't concentrate

  • I’m not sure I know what I want but I am having a hard time


  • Sam has difficulty getting off to school in the morning

  • Hailey doesn’t seem to have friends and spends a great deal of time by herself

  • Sean is not completing work the way he used to be able to and teachers are calling the house

  • We don’t seem to be able to communicate with Sally

  • Our daughter is getting poor grades and we don’t know how to help her

  • Our son is struggling with poor choices involving drugs and alcohol and not following our rules


  • Brian wrote a paper for class and revealed some very personal information that concerns me

  • John is very restless in my classroom and disrupts others

  • Arielle is often absent and I can't reach anyone at her home

  • Joe is a new student and needs some special attention

  • Jane’s behavior has been quite different lately