
To keep up with our growing teens, we have to be responsive, seizing opportunities to hone our parenting skills so that we are equipped to better relate to them and lend them the necessary support. The PTA is a platform for parents to improve their parenting skills.

(1)       Parenting Talks in EL and CL

The PTA sourced for and engaged professional speakers to share their views and advice with parents on topics such as “How to Communicate with Teens”, Computer Addiction amongst Youths, “Dealing with Teenage Rebellion” etc. Feedback shows that the sessions provided valuable opportunities for parents to better understand youth sentiments and behaviour, enabling them to relate better to their teens.


(2)       Annual High Achievers cum EL & CL Tips Sharing Session

The English and Chinese Language tips segment of the sharing session is conducted by our RV teachers. It provides useful advice on how parents can best support their teens in their efforts to develop their language competencies.


Parents also get to hear from our RV high achievers on how they learn to strike a balance between academic commitments and other responsibilities.


(3)       Parenting Workshops

Parenting workshops have been introduced to complement our parenting talks.  At these workshops, parents are able to share their concerns and engage in scenario discussions and role play, enhancing their parenting skills in the process.