Curriculum vitae


October 6, 1961, Chigirin, Ukraine



Job Positions

May 2022 till now Professor of the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences

2005 - 2021 Belarusian State University, Department of Theoretical and Slavonic Linguistics, Professor

2006 – 2021 Member of the Councils on Defense of Dissertations (PhD and Habilitate thesis) D 01.02.11, D 02.01.24 - Contrastive Linguistics, Slavonic Languages, Theoretical Linguistics (Republic of Belarus)

2006 till now Member of the Ethno-linguistic Commission of the International Slavists’ Committee, Manager of the Official Website of the Ethnolinguistic Commission at the International Committee of Slavists ( and Facebook Page of it (

1999-2005 Belarusian State University, Department of Theoretical and Slavonic Languages, Docent

1989-1996 Minsk State Linguistic University, Department of Theoretical Linguistics, Lecturer

Research projects and grants

September 2022 – Januar 2024 Research grant of the National Center for Research and Development as the second part of the "Solidarity with scientists" competition at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland

March 2021 – February 2022 Research grant "Solidarity with scientists" from NAWA Foundation at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland

2016-2020 Manager of the research project "Slavonic languages among Indo-European ones: system, communication, contacts" (Republic of Belarus)

2015 – 2016 Participation in the international Derivational Networks project (Manager: Prof. P. Stekauer, Slovakia)

01.03.2013 – 30.06.2013 Research grant at the Eastern Washington University, USA, from Fulbright Foundation

2011-2015 Manager of the research project "Structural, semantic and communicative studies of Belarusian and other languages ​​in diachrony and synchrony" (Republic of Belarus); Participation in two research projects in the Republic of Belarus: "The Belarusian language in the Slavic communicative space", "The Belarusian language at the common Slavic background: synchrony and diachrony"

01.04.2010–31.03.2012 Manager of the International Russian-Belarusian research project "Ethno-Cultural Identity of the Belarusians and Russians in the Context of Global Cultural Processes: Dynamics and Comparison" (financed from the funds the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research and the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research)

2009 – till now Participation in the international project EUROJOS "Values in the culture and language of the Slavs and their neighbors" (Poland)

01.04.2006 – 31.12.2010 Manager of the research project "The Belarusian Language among Other languages: System and Use" (financed from the funds of the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research, Republic of Belarus)

October-November 1998, March-May 2002 Research grants at Erlangen-Nurnberg University (Germany)

August 2005 Teacher’s grant at School "Human Rights in Education" (Umeå University, Sweden)

Visiting Professor

23-29.04.2023, 01.10.2018-28.02.2019, January 2016, 01.03.2011-30.06.2011 Visiting Professor at Philological-Culturological Faculty of Vienna University (Austria)

May 2019 Visiting Professor at University of Cagliari (Italy)

April 2018 Visiting Professor at Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)

April – May 2017 Visiting Professor at Eastern Washington University (USA)

May 2014, December 2011 Visiting professor at University of Macerata (Italy)

August 2012 Visiting professor at Irkutsk State University (Russian Federation)

November 2001 Visiting professor at Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany)

December 2001, June 2004 Visiting professor at Centre for Studies on the Classic Tradition in Poland and East-Central Europe (University of Warsaw)

May 2003, October-November 2004, May 2007, Januar 2010, May 2012 Visiting professor at Charles University (Prague, Czechia)


2022 Certificate in Polish language (B1)

2022 Certificate of University of London in Practical Teaching with Technology

2013, 2017, 2018, 2019 English Skills Diploma

2016 Computer Skills Diploma

June – January 2015 Studies of the German language at Goethe Institute (B1)

2005 Full Professor Diploma, Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus

2004 Studies of the Czech language at Summer School in Dobrushka (Czechia)

2000 Doctor Habil. of Philology, Habilitate Dissertation "The System of Verbs of Cognitive Activity in the Belarusian language"

1995–1998 Habilitate-Doctoral Studies at Minsk State Linguistic University

1989 Candidate of Philology, Candidate Dissertation (PhD) "Intellectual" Words in the Modern and Old Belarusian Language"

1988 Studies of the Bulgarian language at Summer School in Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)

1985–1988 Post-graduate studies at Academy of Sciences of BSSR

1985 Diploma of English translator with honours

June 1985 Diploma in Russian Philology with Honors

1980–1985 Faculty of philology, Belarusian State University

1979 Certificate of maturity with Honors

I have more than 200 scientific publications, Special diploma of Foundation for Basic Research for fruitful research (2010), and a special diploma of the Belarusian State University rectorat (2011) for long and creative teaching.

I supervise the scientific work of post-graduate students. Thirteen PhD theses have been defended under my supervision. In 2021 I received the 1st prize in the competition "Training of highly qualified personnel" for the best leader and organizer of research work of students and postgraduates Belarusian State University.


Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian – native; English, Polish – fluently; Czech, German – good, Bulgarian – understanding and reading skills.