Social Studies

Charles H. "Chip" Lagerbom received his BA in History (Kansas State University) and MA in History and Archaeology (University of Maine) with work on an American Revolutionary War Truckhouse excavated on Penobscot River. An avid scuba diver, Charles organized underwater surveys of ship remains in Maine lakes as well as the 1779 Penobscot Expedition. He worked in Antarctica with glacial geology research teams from University of Maine Quaternary Institute, now Climate Change Institute. A published author and avid polar, colonial Maine and maritime book collector, Charles has frequently written, lectured and made presentations on cruise ships, sailing vessels and ashore about history, life, politics and science of Antarctica, Cape Horn and South Atlantic as well as colonial Maine and New England maritime history and archaeology. He is author of The Fifth Man: The Life of H.R. Bowers, published by Caedmon of Whitby (1999) and Whaling in Maine, published by Arcadia Press (2020). Charles is past National Membership Chair of American Polar Society and past President of the Antarctican Society, where he serves as current archivist/historian.