About Scott Hall

SCHOOL: Abilene Christian University, B.S. & M.S.

CLASSES: Digital & Interactive Media, Virtual Business, Sports & Entertainment Marketing


SCHOOL EMAIL: scott_hall@roundrockisd.org

SCHOOL PHONE: (512) 464-6363

TUTORIAL TIMES: Flex or by appointment

About The Teacher

This is Mr. Hall’s eighteenth year of teaching at McNeil High School.  He is a native Austinite and graduated from Reagan High School in 1987.  After graduation, he attended Abilene Christian University and received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1992 and a Master of Science degree in 1995.   Following his graduation from ACU, he took a job with SchoolVision in Abilene, TX.  SchoolVision was an Apple Education Sales Agent and he spent 3 years working in Inside Sales, Marketing, and Database Development.  This experience gave him a broad overview of technology in the education environment and he was responsible for hardware and software sales in all of the country.  During this time, he married his beautiful wife and they had their first child.  Longing to get back to the beautiful countryside of Austin, he transferred to the Austin office for SchoolVision and began a position in Marketing.  After a year, he accepted a job with Apple Computer and spent 6 years as a Sr. Systems Engineer for the Education Sales Division of Apple.  He was responsible for technical support, sales, training, and consulting with K-12 and Higher Education schools all across the nation.  Leaving Apple to follow a dream, Mr. Hall began his own technology consulting company, Macs-Sense, which he owned for 10 years.  However, after a few years of beginning and maintaining this business, the call to Education and students brought him to undertake the Region 13 Alternative Certification Process.  He completed that program and is now teaching his love of technology and business to the future businessmen and businesswomen of our country.  He has 4 children and he and his family currently live in Leander.  In addition to teaching,  Mr. Hall has also invested his time coaching football, basketball, and wrestling. He was also the video coordinator for the McNeil Maverick Football team. He also was the founding sponsor of the Mavericks Esports Club.