Welcome to Year 2

We are the squirrels class

We are the Squirrels class

Our teacher is Mrs Moon.

Our teaching assistant is Miss Simpson.

Our Individual Needs Assistant is Miss Stacey.

Contact us via the office email:

Squirrels newsletter.pdf
HW planner Term 6.pdf
Blue Planet part 2 website.pdf

Term 1 was really busy with African drumming, making mud huts, our african necklaces and the morning that we told stories and tried some African inspired stew!

Year 1 and 2 LONG TERM PLAN.pdf

For school year 23/24 we are in Cycle 1.

Number Facts for Years 1 and 2.pdf

Just a reminder to encourage your child to use Numbots or TT Rockstars at home. 

Year 2 Core Book List.pdf
Supporting Reading at home.pdf

Please see the Read with RIC info below for you:

Read with RIC Objectives Year2.pdf