Senco Sophie Massey  - email:

On this page you can find details of our SEN policy and Accessibility Plan.

Dear Parents/Carers

I am Sophie Massey and I have the privilege to be the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) at Rocks Park Primary School. My role is to advocate for your child by understanding his or her needs and ensuring that everyone who regularly works with your child knows how best to support them.

I have already been in touch with some of you and met most of the children. 

However, if you feel you need to get in touch, would like to introduce yourself to me, or have a concern regarding your child’s learning, please do send me an email at

Alternatively, make an appointment via the School Office to see me on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

I am committed to working in partnership with you to provide the best service possible for your child. You should expect the SENDCO to ensure that any plans or provision agreed for your child are carried out by the school and advise you about the expertise to support your child.

For children already receiving the school support, you will be invited to regular review meetings where you can discuss how things are going. Attendance at the meetings is important and I will send advance notice in order for you to make arrangements or re-schedule if necessary.

No need to book, come and join CLASS+ at one of our coffee and chat events around East Sussex. This event is for parents and carers of an autistic child or when your child is on the autism pathway. This coffee and chat session will allow parents to share ideas, experiences, information and advice around key autism themes.

This event is for parents of school aged children and any parent can attend any event, you do not have to be a parent of the host school. This event is for parent and carers only, unfortunately it also isn’t appropriate to bring a child to the event.

Look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

CLASS+ team

For further information do contact

If you would like support to eat well and get more active as a family, come and join Healthy Habits for a free, fun 8 week programme running at a venue near you as well as online.

Interested? Want to find out more?

Tel: 0300 123 4062


Family Hubs and Youth Hubs in East Sussex (new) (002).pdf

A Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Hub helping children, young people, parents and carers make informed decisions:

Universally Available Provision document.pdf

For support at each stage along the neurodevelopmental pathway to help families manage the challenges that children and young people face. This service is for families in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex. 

Pre_Autism_Pathway_V2_Updated_May_2022 website.pdf
Chinwag flyer.pdf

Special educational needs & disabilities in East Sussex- what needs to happen now and in the next three years to make the biggest difference?  Have your say:


Link to the Local Prospectus for Special Educational Needs in East Sussex :

East Sussex Local Offer

The newly formed East Sussex Parent Carer Forum is now providing the voice at strategic level for the parent carers of East Sussex.  This is an immense achievement and down to the hard work of a small group of parents who are passionate about representing the views of ALL parent carers in East Sussex. 

The role of the parent carer forum is to voice the views of parent carers in East Sussex. This is about all children’s disabilities and all special educational needs. 

There are many roles parent carers can get involved in. There are many focus groups helping to shape the services in East Sussex that parent carers can be part of. Parent carers, will be trained and supported to sit on panels at strategic level, representing the views of wider parent carers in East Sussex and feeding back to the parent carer forum. There are many support groups in East Sussex that you can join and feedback into via your group.  

Parent Carer Forums are not places to voice your own child’s needs, they are places to come together to represent all of us, no matter the needs of our children / young people, or whichever education/ health/ social care setting they are in. If this sounds of interest to you, then feel free to sign up and let’s get our collective voices heard.  

So, if you have the passion to get parent carers views represented in East Sussex then please visit website and complete the membership details.

Accessibility Plan 2023.pdf
SEND Policy 2023.pdf
Child Protection and Safeguarding 2023.pdf

*Our SEND Information Report is currently under review*