READ! Reading Success by 4th Grade




READ! Reading Success by 4th Grade is an Initiative of Cherish Every Child (CHECH) whose goal is to ensure that Springfield’s children read proficiently by the end of third grade, putting them on a path to school and life success.

LEER! Éxito en la lectura de cuarto grado es una iniciativa de apreciar cada niño (CHECH) , cuyo objetivo es garantizar que los niños de Springfield salgan leyendo a nivel competente al terminar tercer grado. Esto lograra ponerlos en un buen camino hacia el exito en la escuela y la vida en general.

AKHRI ! AKHRINTA guulysiga Fasalka 4aad waxaa Initiative ah ee ku qarisaan kasta Child ( CHECH ) ay hadafkoodu yahay in la hubiyo in carruurta Springfield ee proficiently akhri dhammaadka fasalka saddexaad , xijineyso Jid in guusha dugsiga iyo nolosha .