RYM-book reviews 2

Reviews(73 of 73)

Faith in Kenya

I have learnt to completely surrender my life to the Lord. I have learnt to relay on Him and to trust that He is doing all things because of His love and His purpose. Roman 8:28.

The first Chapter have given me strong foundation about a godly marriage, Marriage founded upon the Rock; Jesus Christ. I had idolized my husband, everything was centered around Him, I left God and was not entirely my focus, this book has made me remember Jesus Christ- My Husband, My first Love. I have learnt to take everything to my First Love, i have learnt to turn to Him for everything.

I have also learnt that God will restore this marriage and bring my husband back when i totally work in total obedience to Him. I have also learnt to look through the eyes of faith and not in the physical nature.

I have also learnt that all the answers and in the scriptures...all of them. i thought i knew it all, i thought through reading book, not bible will help, i sort many short cut, i wanted to be quickly restored back rather a quick fix, but not anymore, i want God to work on me and heal me completely and restore me at His time. Quick fix is temporary, i will not solve the issues, i would still repeat the same cycle over and over again. I bless the Lord for this ministry.

Now every moment i find myself reading the bible or trying to memorize the scriptures, something I stopped doing along time ago. I find myself being led to praise and worship, I lock myself in the room and pray, I just feel, there is something deep within me that wants to reach out to God and touch Him.

There has been negative talks about me, funny thing is, i prayed for God's grace, i have not gotten upset, i still find myself rejoicing even in the midst of everything. My heart has been at peace. Indeed, the Lord gives peaces not like man does, His peace transcends all human understanding.

I forgave my husband along time ago and even sort his forgiveness, though we do not talk, i still show acts of kindness every time i get the chance, speak lively to him on the phone when he calls to speak to the children. When i look at him nowadays, i no longer look to him as a bad man, but as someone who the devil wants to use and therefore i pray for him daily.

Sandy in Arizona

I made many mistakes when this first happened. I read them in chapter one. I was desperate and not allowing God to be number one in my life. I was doing things that I thought were right, my husband deserved all that I was doing because he had wronged me. I had to repent when I read chapter 1 the first time. I have made many mistakes on the way, but God is all powerful and nothing is impossible with him.

I will be obedient and listen to what the Lord says to me. He has shown me that I need to continue to look to him and be an example to others. He is the only one who can restore my marriage.

Mariette in Canada

I learned to give my life completely to The Lord to trust Him alone and let go off all my doubting that was there all the time deep down in my heart .

I really saw that I have to be quiet and stay quiet in every situation and praise The Lord to help me with this because I couldn't before I read the whole book and started reading a wise woman.

My relationship with The Lord is growing and He is really there for me.

I am the most thankful for that The Lord took away the heavy stone and pain from my heart and feel how He is working in my heart , molding me!

Misty in Alabama

I've learned to keep calm and refrain from saying negative things to my ex. I've also learned putting God first and everything else will fall in line.

Jodi in Alaska

I was far from a christian wife, i didn't support my husband in his decisons, argued many things that were wrong. I could have avoided arguements and fighting with my husband. I found trust in the Lord unconditionally.

Mary in Wisconsin

I know that I never want to put a man before God, or anything else before God ever again. I pray for a truly humble spirit because some old anger and hurt surfeited, yet I know God can give us a new foundation with Him as center.

Marie in Tennessee

I have realized how much of a contentious and selfish wife that I was. I have learnt to win my husband without word. He has developed in me a gentle and quiet spirit. As Painful and hard as it has been I'm so thankful for the work that God has done in my life. Thank you Jesus.

Sylvia in Kenya

I have realized the Lord has brought me into this situation to get my attention. He wants to work in me, change me and make me the wife and child that He knows I can be. Though this test is painful, the Lord has used it to strengthen my relationship with Him. I feel that He is equipping me through this experience to reach others.

Sasha in Trinidad and Tobago

On numerous occasions God will remind me to be still and know that he is God. This meant to me that I don't have to fight this battle because it is not mine to fight but God's. That I only have to stand still and I will see the deliverance that he will bring. I have learned the importance of speaking only to God this means that I am not to speak of my feelings especially the negative ones to anyone else but God. I have learned that I must trust God without borders, that I must be willing to step out of my boat of fear, anxiety, unbelief, pride, and uncertainty, and just trust that he has the best plan for our souls and marriage. Lastly, I have the learned the importance of agreeing with my adversary quickly and that how true it is that a gentle answer turns away wrath.

Stephanie in Australia

Wow, I have learnt so much from just the first chapter. This is the 3rd time I have read through and I still learn more each time I do and find even more things to highlight as time has gone by. I learnt to shut up haha. I learnt to be humble and kind and to seek God in all things. My faith has grown in leaps and bounds because I threw myself at his feet. God wants to heal all my hurts and have be draw close to him as my husband & councillor. I learnt so many scriptures just in the first chapter which gave me a new thirst for His word. I learnt that the world (friends, family, councillors) will have many opinions and I have already experienced them and they led me into deeper trouble when I followed their advice. As soon as I first got the book, I stopped going to counselling and stopped listening to others who were encouraging me to move on. I realised how important the bible is for daily living and I never knew I could apply so much to my life! I just learnt so much wisdom and was convicted (ouch) as I had already done many of the things that Erin warns not to do. I was so encouraged by the scripture that love believes all that I went out and bought a bracelet with a scroll charm that I had love engraved on so I would remember that Love believes all and love never fails! I knew from the first chapter that this was the path that God wanted me to take and I read the whole book in 3 days and the only other book I have ever completed took me 3 years to finish. I cringed and cried and repented and praised all the way through it and now I am looking forward to reading it again whilst doing the lessons.

I am encouraged and inspired.

Jessie in South Africa

I believe the change starts with me and my relationship with GOD, it has made me aware of all the things I have also done wrong in handling the situation, I could have done things differently had I leaned on GOD first and meditated on his word first. it has drawn me closer in my relationship and made me realize I cannot change the situation on my own, I take everything to him first, I realize that I cannot always think with my emotions and that nothing is impossible with Him, I should not focus on the situation but on Him .i need to speak life not death into my situation.

Michelle in Canada

This book is Amazing!! I lived most of my life in darkness and had a troubled marriage and couldn't understand why UNTIL I read this book. This book taught me how wrong I had been acting in my marriage and it showed me through the Word of God how I should act and it has made all the difference. Next to my Bible, this book is one I will read often as a reminder of how a woman of God should act. Thank you Erin Thiele for writing this amazing book that I am sure it will be a blessing to marriages all around the world!

Corina in North Carolina

The biggest take aways from this were how I was reacting to my situation. I was still trying to control everything and I was doing everything wrong. I was praying to God, but I was still holding onto everything. When I finally let go of everything and surrendered it to God I began to feel His presence in my life and I had a feeling of peace and liberation.

I was often going straight to a friend to talk through things and I realized I must stop doing that. I also was still talking about a lot of my problems or needs with my husband and now I go to God. Of course I'm not perfect and my lips still keep moving after they should have stopped, but this is showing me just how much I need God. I am drawing in closer and closer to Him everyday, and have realized I NEED Him so so much. I was unsure before I read this book what God's will for my life and marriage was. I have realized that I must be very careful about what I say and who I say it too. Even Christians and well intended people can misguide me.

Teena in Texas

While reading I learned that there is hope . I learned not to listen to what everyone around me is telling me to do. I learned that I need to give it to God. I need to ask for forgiveness and even though it is hard I need to forgive my husband. I learned that the answer is with God that I have to give it to him that I have to talk to him give him my all. My cares my worries go to him for everything and believe. And know that even through I may have bad days that I can go to God for strength.

Melissa in Arizona

After reading this book I finally felt peace, peace that I had not felt in months.

Jasmine in China

“How God Could Restore Your Marriage” is a wonderful book to all women, no matter what situation their marriage is at (married, separation, divorce, remarriage or even going to get married). The book brought hope to me at the time when I thought my marriage was hopeless. It opened my eyes to principles and scriptures that I never read before or what the world is telling us. It gave me the faith that God is more than able to restore every marriage.

Seeking God and His Words and do not let the enemy to steal all the blessings and riches that have given to us. Follow the principles in the book and apply them. It encourages you through the Words of God day by day.

Rina in Singapore

have learnt to trust God with everything in big and small.

To seek Him and put Him first above and beyond all.

I was seeking a restoration not Him previously. And now I know that everything good that I had and have comes from Him.

Allison in Trinidad

I have learned it is not to late for God to restore my marriage.

I learned the way I was doing things was wrong (in flesh) and not Gods way. I was accusing, impulsive, argumentative and hasty in my words, which made my earthly husband moved out and into his parents home.

I learned from RYM to trust God and to seek his face for everything in my life, because he is my maker. I will follow the teaching while I seek knowledge from his word.

Since been given the RYM book, my life has changed so much. I speak differently knowing I can turn to God with every problem and hurt and cry out to him, because he is the only one who truly understands and can help me. Everyone I spoke to just gave their opinion, but no real answer or help which frustrated me even more.

Heredith in Texas

I learned and realized that only through having a relationship with God that I can work through anything and everything. That it doesn't matter what I do to try and fix my marriage but, unless I have God in my life, my marriage will never be saved.

Someta in Florida

I learned to let go and let God. Whenever I try to handle the situation myself, I've always made it worst. I learned to give it all to God and then get out his way! I'm also learning to trust in Him because He has my best interest at heart. I won't be deceived or despaired by what I see because I know that God is planning something even greater!! I've always played the victim.... I was loud, rambunctious, and mean. I pushed my husband away with my words. My ways were not godly, yet I tried to mask them as if they were. I didn't acknowledge God in my marriage or in anything that I did. I was too busy trying to satisfy the flesh and not the spirit.

Sharon in Indiana

First of all thank you. I am renewed because I know that other women have gone through similar feelings of hopelessness, but that there is HOPE no matter what. The message of hope is one that also has presented itself to me and so once again I am filled with joy at this news. It confirms for me that I was led to your website and ministry by God.

Tendai in England

I have learned a lot from this chapter and look forward to learning some more. Firstly i learnt that i should not rush to share with others about my situation but that i should run to God as my only source of help. And i was guilty of sharing my problems with my friends and relatives. But now i know to just run to God.

Secondly i learned that i should stop all sorts of arguing with my husband and that peace is better. i am by nature headstrong and strong willed and i'm learning that i should not be quarrelsome.

Thirdly i learned that i should stop all sorts of snooping around due to my suspicions. This is a big one for me ..Proverbs 24: 3-4 house is built by wisdom. It is made strong by understanding, and by much learning the rooms are filled with all riches that are pleasing and of great worth. The scripture has shown me that i need wisdom in order to build my home and that i was foolish in how i handled matters.

Rebeka RESTORED in Slovakia

I want to thank you all again for everything, for all the great materials (books, lessons, videos, Encourager and so on) for changing my life, for finding God again, for living with the Lord. God bless you for all the great work you are doing for other women around the world :)

Rachel in Georgia

The "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" book has been a lifeline, a guide to God's Word and relationship with Him and with others, especially my husband. It's such a difference from what the world says about marriage and relationships! I ordered several copies of the book for myself and in case I had the opportunity to share with others. The book is so helpful to have in hand and to reference. I look forward to taking some time to read back through the book and see what new insights God has to show me. That's the amazing thing "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" is so full of Scripture, wisdom.

Karen in West Virginia

I would encourage others to read the RYM book and allow God to show you how to apply the principles in your life. And to ask God to show you where you have erred!

Stacey in Illinois

I've read and rereading Hoe God can and Will Restore Your marriage book. As tears poured I've realized all that my faults are. This book has touched me in a way beyond words. Through Christ ALL things are possible! I know the Lord has a plan for me and my marriage too will be restored!!! Thank you Erin for touching my life as those of many other women.

Jenna in Minnesota

At first, this book is going to inspire you. It is going to tell you the words you have been DYING to hear from someone, anyone!: God CAN AND WILL restore your marriage. Those words will be water to your thirsty soul as it was mine. I cried my eyes out when I started this book because these were words that I so desperately needed.

Then this book is going to get a little painful. Some people might even stop reading at this point. Because you are going to learn and hear things about yourself that you will absolutely want to deny. It's at this point when you realize that you are largely to blame for what's going on in your marriage. And that will crush you. But it's everything you need to complete this journey. Because if you don't face the things that are in your heart, even the ugly things, you won't get your husband back...but more importantly, you won't and can't be right with God and that is what should really crush you.

Once you accept your part in the crumbling of your marriage and repent, you will keep moving forward in this book. And it will become inspirational, practical and a lifeline straight from God.