
Check back often for more testimonials!

What some students/staff have to say:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." - quote by Margaret Mead

"I keep it in my lunch bag."

- Sonja Romine, Learning Leader Assistant

"Riverway is not a job, it is an adventure."

- Leslie Lehnertz, Former Secondary Leader of Teaching and Learning

What some parents have to say:

"Riverway is a place when [my children] have really been able to grow as people, and have who they are truly embraced by their learning leaders and the other students."

- Parent moving away from the area

"I am blessed that he is always excited to go to school. I am convinced that there is not better place for him to be at this point in his life."

-Current parent

"....honestly, the school is near perfect."

-Past parent

What others have to say:

"Riverway Learning Community was so much more to me than just where I went to highschool. As a freshman in a large public school I was feeling lost, disinterested in school and unsuccessful. I switched to Riverway Learning Community at first because I thought the small class sizes would help me get through school and graduate. To my surprise the school had so much more to offer than just their class size that would largely impact my success in school but also throughout my life.

I appreciated the students and staff, the flexible learning environment and how the extended community would become my second family over the course of the next four years. I loved the opportunity to direct my own learning, work at my own pace and share with my learning community my successes. Our multi-age groupings allowed for sharing our strengths with others, as well as being supported through our challenges. I learned so much better being allowed to explore curriculum through hands on learning opportunities and numerous field trips. Especially important to me was the relationship I developed with my teacher. She was first and foremost our teacher; but also a mentor, surrogate parent and a friend. Our teachers made each one of us feel so special and successful, always there to listen and advise us, as well as teach and guide our learning journey. I graduated feeling accomplished and successful. I am so thankful for the experiences and lifelong friendships I made at Riverway."

- Taylor Stoos, Alumni

“Riverway Learning Community fosters not only a unique learning environment but also an environment where students learn life skills.”

-Leslie Kemp (Winona Area Chamber of Commerce)