Classroom Information

  Schedule & Expectations

Our classroom website will be updated periodically throughout the year and is another form of communication and connection to the classroom.

Doors Open - 1st Graders wait in Gym A, picked up by the teacher at 9am

    8:45 AM

Breakfast Served in Cafeteria Building B

    8:45-9:05 AM

Class Hours

       9:05 AM - 3:35 PM

      *10:05 AM - 3:35 PM Wednesday 1 Hour Late Start 

Class Schedule

8:45-9:05 Arrival to Classroom

9:05-9:20 Morning Meeting

9:20-10:10 Math

10:10-10:30 Recess

10:30-10:45 Snack

10:45-11:05 Math Centers

11:05-11:35 WIN 

11:35-12:40 Phonics

12:40-1:20 Lunch/Recess

1:20-2:00 Small Reading Groups

2:00-2:30 Writing

2:30-3:30 Specialist (M Library, T Art, W SS/Science, R/F PE/Music)

3:35 Dismissal

Classroom Rules

-Follow directions the first time they are given.

-Stay on task during all work times.

-Keep hands, feet, and materials to yourself.

-Be kind to yourself and others.

Take Home Folders

Every day your student will bring home their “Take Home Folder” that has flyers/information from the school, corrected work, and any unfinished classwork to be done and returned the next day. Students need to bring their folders in their backpacks to school every day. Please send any notes in your student’s folder so they will not be misplaced and instruct your student to turn the notes in to me first thing in the morning.


Homework packets include a reading log, English Language Arts, and math. They will be sent home every Friday and are due the following Friday.


Your student is responsible for bringing their Chromebook back and forth to school each day. Please be sure the Chromebook is charged as we have limited outlets available for charging during the school day.


Your child may check out up to two books at a time. Library books are due back Mondays.

Gum, Candy, Toys

Please help your student to remember that gum and candy are not allowed during class time. If you send a candy or treat in your student’s lunch box, it must stay there until lunch time. Please leave all toys at home to prevent them from being broken or lost. If an item becomes a distraction, I will store it in a safe space for the student until the end of the day.


We have a single restroom in our classroom. Students are encouraged to use the restroom before and after school, during recess breaks, and during independent work time. We have a class bathroom signal which students can use to privately get permission from the teacher for their restroom needs. Students will then place the bathroom pass on their desk, which lets me know where students are at all times. We also have student restrooms next to the school library.


Due to severe allergies in our class, we will not celebrate birthdays with food. If your child would like to bring simple party-type favors like stickers or pencils to their classmates, please send me a note beforehand. We typically plan for 21 students. If you are sending birthday invitations, please give me notice. If you aren't inviting everyone in the class (understandable!), I would be happy to provide contact information or your student can give me the invitations and I will make sure they are discreetly sent home in mailboxes.

After-School Plans

Please send a note, email me, or call the school before 2 PM to notify the office of changes to your student’s after school routine (i.e. if they are being picked up instead of riding the bus). Because our bus drivers need written consent, your student must have a note from home when riding another bus (to go to a friend’s house, etc.). Accurate information helps ensure that your student will get to the correct destination after school.



Please help your student to follow our dress code. Remember, no flip flops or spaghetti strap tank tops. As the weather turns cooler, please send a jacket with your student. We must walk outside a lot, so rain jackets with hoods are invaluable. Also, please help your student to remember to wear appropriate shoes for PE class. We have PE on Thursdays and Fridays.


Book Orders

Once a month, I will send home Scholastic book orders in student's folders. The deadline for turn in will be noted on the flyer. There is an option to order online with our classroom code (J6XM4), which is preferred. Otherwise, please send in your order form with a check made out to Scholastic. It typically takes up to two weeks to receive our book order after the due date.


Volunteers* Stay tuned for details

Classroom volunteers are always welcome and appreciated! If you would like to volunteer, please check with the office for paperwork and let me know that you are interested and when you are available. *All volunteers must have a completed Ridgefield School District volunteer application and fingerprint background check  on file and up-to-date before volunteering at school. 

If you have any questions or comments, I am available by phone or email. I am best reached by email. 

Thank you!

Mrs. Oderman