Richland Elementary School Library

"Developing Information Literate Students, Inspiring Life-Long Learning & Supporting Teachers & Curriculum at RES"

Check It Out!  2023-24 in The RES Library!

Check It Out 2022-23

This Week in the Library

Summer 2024

Suggested Summer Reading Lists

Please also click on the "Recommended Reading Lists" in the menu on the left for more reding choices

Kdg-Gr 2 Suggested Summer Reading 

Grades 3-5 Suggested Summer Reading  

Grades 6-8 Suggested Summer Reading 

Cultivating Readers Booklist Grades K-5 

National PTA & NEA Reading Brochures

Raising Readers:  What Parents Can Do! 

Family Guide to Developing Reading Skills 

Raising Ready Readers 

Cultivating Readers From Birth - Age 8 

You can search Destiny, RES's electronic catalog right from this website.  Simply type a title, author, subject or series in the box to the right. Let's go Richland Readers! Make this a "banner" year and check out a record number of books (see below)

Circulation Statistics
AR Word Count

Hello, I am Miss Latoche and I am the librarian at RES! Each student in Kindergarten thru grade 6 has one scheduled library class per week.  Students come to the library with their homeroom class to check out books and develop information literacy skills following Richland's  A-B-C-D-E  "specials" schedule.  Please click here to see the Richland Elementary School Calendar.