Class Info

*Regulations subject to change due to Covid

Parent Volunteers

We love having parent and grandparent helpers in our classroom. We welcome any parent who would like to come lend a hand in our classroom! Please know that we do require all of our volunteers to have a criminal record check on file at the school prior to volunteering. If you think that you may want to volunteer, it may be a good idea to get a criminal record check done early on, as it can take some time to receive it after you have requested it. Please let me know, either by email or by note, if there is a morning or afternoon that you would like to come volunteer in our classroom. Also, if you're interested in setting up a regular day every week or every month to come in, that can definitely be arranged!

Water Bottles

Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle to school as we believe that drinking water throughout the day helps us not only stay hydrated but also makes us better learners. Please keep in mind while choosing your child’s water bottle that it will be kept on your child’s desk and that they will be permitted to refill it throughout the day. It’s a good idea to use a bottle that is intended for multiple uses. Please ensure that it is clearly labeled so that we can send it home to be washed.


When it is your little one’s birthday, please feel free to send a Birthday treat to school with them if you would like to do so.

Morning Snack & Lunch

Just a reminder to pack every thing that your child will be needing for lunch and snack, such as a spoon, straws, etc. as we do not have any of these items available to give out. You might find that it's handy for your child if you pack their morning snack in a different compartment than the rest of their lunch so they know which item their snack is. If you are finding that your little one is not eating enough, please let us know. A big thank you for always ensuring your child’s lunch is nut-free. You are helping us keep all of the students at Ecole Barrie Wilson School safe.