Many times we cover a lot of questions in PE. Perhaps you did not hear the answer or maybe you forgot the answer, or you have not shared that information with your parents. Check this spot every now and again before you panic - chances are we have you covered.

  1. Can I still purchase PE clothes? What about sweats?

  2. What if I forget my PE clothes one day?

  3. How often do we run miles?

  4. Am I allowed to wear black shorts and a white shirt?

  5. What is the activity we are doing today- any day?

  6. When will we begin going in the weight room?

Can I still purchase PE clothes? What about sweats?

The clothes are available at Eich, we can get clothes for you any day during the first few minutes of PE class. This is also a great time to buy sweats before the cold weather hits and while we still have inventory. Sweat shirts are $20.00 and sweat pants are $15.00

What if I forget my PE clothes one day?

Not having your PE clothes will result in the use of loaner clothes. We have a good supply of clean loaners available all of the time. It is best if you always remember your clothes. Utilizing loaner clothes frequently will result in the change of learning behavior grades, and office referrals.

How often do we run miles?

Cardio work outs are our main goal. A mile is only one way we can achieve a cardio workout. There are many other ways but a timed mile is a great way to see and monitor progress. We also do pacers, Monday fitness activities and games to work on cardio. There are typically 2 cardio activities a week.

Am I allowed to wear black shorts and a white shirt?

If you are in doubt of the required dress code for PE, refer to the policies handed out the first day (also located on announcements page of website): Only royal blue shorts and a white shirt are allowed in PE. The only exception to this rule is the 4, 5, 6, 7 minute and hustle shirts. If you earned one of these, wear it proudly to PE!!

What is the activity we are doing today- any day?

We use a bulletin board that hangs outside in between the locker rooms to list the day's activities. Be sure to check that on your way into class every day. It will also tell you if you need to bring your PE folder.

When will we begin going in the weight room?

Each class will begin using the weight room on more regular schedule once the weight room tests are taken and corrected.

Each student must achieve a passing score of a 5 on the weight room test and always have their weight room log as well as a pencil or pen.