Bullying Prevention at RLRS

(Links are in blue)

Simple definition:  Bullying is when someone keeps being mean to someone else on purpose.  The person it's happening to has not been able to make it stop; it's unfair and one sided. 

Bullying Prevention begins at the Kindergarten level.  Students are taught basic social emotional skills using both our Second Step Curriculum, social skills classes, small group work and individual instruction.  These education interventions include the 3 R's of Bullying Education. First students must learn how to RECOGNIZE bullying when it happens, next how to REPORT the bullying to a caring adult, and lastly how to REFUSE the bullying behaviors. The skills taught in the areas of social emotional skills increases peer empathy, reduces isolation and peer rejection, increases assertiveness skills, and increases positive bystander behaviors.  Improving the classroom and school climate will reduce the bullying incidents at school, and provide a safer environment for learning.    Click to read the RLRS bullying policy and the procedure for which RLRS handles reports of Bullying.  You can find Bullying report forms also on the RLRS website: click for the initial report form (to be filled out by student, parent, teacher or other).  The investigation form is used by school administration and staff to guide the investigation, determine the outcome, and report the findings and interventions.