2007 Summer Challenge

2007 Summer Challenge Guidelines  

Barbeques, Clam Bakes, Fourth of July Celebrations, Summer Birthdays, Picnics, Garden Fresh Vegetables, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Watermelon, Canteloupe, Ice Cream, Snow Cones, Lemonade, Iced Tea.

The choices of summer foods are endless. Let's celebrate them in a quilt!

The 2007 Summer Challenge was to design a quilt using a "Summer Foods" theme.

Any method of construction was acceptable (pieced/appliqued, hand/machine, quilted/tied). The quilt was to be no smaller than a 12" square and no larger than a 36" square.

Here are this year's dozen delicious designs:

1st - Kathy W - “Sunshine in Strawberry Patch”

2nd - Ikuko S

3rd - Danette RH - “Fenway Franks”