Items to be kept in your backpack

1 - white clear view binder to keep notes 

1- Composition Notebook for math



Box of Colored Pencils  and/ or markers

Double- sided tape

Items to be shared with the class

College ruled notebook paper

Large Expo Dry Erase Markers

2 - Boxes of Kleenex

1 - Elmer's Glue Bottle or several glue sticks

Box of Ziplock bags (snack, sandwich or gallon we use ALL sizes)

antibacterial wipe/ Chlorox wipes

Wish List:

White Card stock 8 1/2" x 11", package

Sharpie Pen any color any size  to be used for some projects and notes

Papermate Felt Tip flair pens to be used for some projects and notes

Fun Items or nut-free candy for our good job box

Amazon Wish List 

Wish list items are appreciated but not required!!