Arizona Geology/ Astronomy

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Jack Burke

B.A. Anthropology

Ma. Ed. Secondary Education

Arizona Teacher Certification : Earth Science -- Social Studies - US and World History

Room: 321

Phone: (602) 449-3000 ext 33092


Web page:

Texts: Geology of Arizona -- Stump and Nations

HRH Dimensions Earth and Space Science (online only)

Course Description:

Astronomy –Fall Semester - This portion of the class is designed to give an understanding of space science. Topics covered include history and methods of astronomy, telescopes, the history and future of space exploration, our solar system including the sun, planets and moons. We will also discuss current and past theories about the formation of stars, galaxies and the universe.

Arizona Geology – Fall semester - This part of the course is designed to give students an understanding of the broad spectrum of Arizona geology. Topics covered will be the history and methods of geology, physical geology, historical geology, rocks, minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes and volcanoes. The class will tie geological processes with the wonders of Arizona. The processes involved in the formation other prominent geologic features in the Phoenix area and Arizona will be the topic of research projects. Mining and mineral resources, water and soil conservation issues and environmental geology will be discussed as well.

  • In both semesters we will cover concepts in physics and chemistry as they relate to the fields of geology and astronomy.

  • The course content is aligned to state and national science standards.

  • The course fulfills the lab science credit.

  • There will be a hands on project/research assignment in each semester.


School laptop for distance learning.

When we return to campus fo in person class.

Ink pen (blue or black, only) Pencil, with eraser

3 ring binder Colored pencils/markers (8 colors at least)

Loose leaf paper Positive attitude (most important)

  • Students must bring required materials to class each day.

Course Policies:

  • Attendance: Students are expected to be in class and on time each day. (log into google classroom during class period while distance learning)

    • Procedures are in strict adherence with school and district policy.

    • Please refer to the student handbook for information regarding truancy, absences and tardiness.

  • Absences:

1. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain work missed while absent. Students will have one day for each day absent to make up work.

2. Labs that are missed due to an excused absence may be scheduled for make-up after school or at lunch. It is the student’s responsibility to contact me the day of their return to schedule a lab make-up. As labs are frequently perishable, a written assignment may be substituted.

3. Students are expected to be present in class on scheduled test days. Test make-up for students with an excused absence may attend an after school study session and take an alternative form of the test.

Behavior: Behavior that disrupts the learning environment of students in the classroom will not be tolerated. Consequences for misbehavior include parental contact and temporary removal from the classroom. My goal is to provide a positive environment for all students to learn science; disruptive behavior deters from achieving this goal. I feel it is also my job to teach students good work and study habits to help them in future classes and later in the work place.

· Electronic Devices such as cell phones,, ipods mp3 players, Walkmans, Discmans or games are not allowed to be out during class unless otherwise instructed – behavior points will be deducted for violations. See school handbook for district and school policies.

· Plagiarism/Cheating/Copying: Students are not to engage in any form of plagiarism or cheating. Copying, or allowing another classmate to copy your work, is also unacceptable and prohibited. Students participating in any of these behaviors will receive a zero on the assignment and parents/guardians will be contacted. The participating student(s) will also receive a referral. Please do your own work! You do not learn from copying.

· Lab Procedures and Safety:

A safe and organized lab environment is essential for students to have a positive and productive lab experience. The rules for safety will be reviewed and assessed. Any student not following these rules will jeopardize the safety of others, will receive a zero on the assignment and will not participate in lab. Occasionally, equipment is broken on accident. While a portion of lab equipment is expected to be expendable, most is not. If a piece of lab equipment is broken, notify me immediately. In some cases, you may be required to reimburse the school for the damage.

  • Class Work:

1. All assignments completed in class must be in complete sentences and legible.

2. Assignments must have your name, date and class period listed.

3. Homework is due at the start of class on the date due -- 50% off for late assignments.

4. Late work may not be accepted after more than 2 days after due date.

5. All written assignments, such as project reports, must be completed as a “Word” word-processing document. Unless otherwise stated.

All written research must submitted through “”.

6. Extra credit may be offered only to students who have turned in all required assignments.

Evaluation: 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 - 69% = D < 59% = F

Grades are based on an accumulation of points and will be based on the following categories:

Projects and Labs (30%) Class and Home work (20%) Quizzes and Tests (40%) Behavior Participation and Preparedness (10%)

Finally and most important I am here to help you – don’t fall behind or feel like you can not come to me for help or clarification on issues academic or personal.

I am usually in my classroom or on campus 1 hour before and after school as well as at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You are always welcome!