NAU Freshman admission at-a-glance

You will be offered admission to Northern Arizona University if you have a 3.0 or higher core GPA (based on a 4.0 scale and calculated using ONLY the 16 required core courses below) and have no deficiencies in those core courses.

You will be considered for NAU admission if you have a 2.5 core GPA and you have no more than one deficiency in any two areas of the required courses below. If you have a combination of a math and lab science deficiency, you are not admissible.

NOTE: The writing portions of the ACT and the SAT are not used for undergraduate admission.

Freshman admission requirements:

  • 4 years of English
  • 4 years of Math
  • 3 years of Lab Science
  • 2 years of Social Science
  • 2 years of Second Language
  • 1 year of Fine Arts/CTE

What you will need:

  • Access to your unofficial high school transcript to self-report your grades and test scores.

NOTE: Send your official test scores for scholarship consideration. NAU's school codes are ACT 0086 & SAT 4006.

Apply now: NAU


Northern Arizona University awards scholarships based on academic merit, financial need and personal background. Scholarships are financial aid awards that do not need to be repaid.

Freshman merit-based tuition scholarships at NAU