Browser Tips

With the exception of some state sites that specify using Internet Explorer, we recommend everyone always use Chrome or Firefox as your default browser. If you find that links or other items in a webpage do not work or do not render correctly, you should always try opening the site in your other browser because as webpages and browsers are updated or changed, some functionality may be affected until the site is updated. You'll find some links and documents below with instructions to help you better navigate and use your browsers to access the internet.

Make Chrome your default browser

Change your default search engine in Chrome

Make Firefox your default browser

Change your default search engine in Firefox

Bookmarks in Chrome

Bookmarks in Firefox

Clear Cache / Cookies / History on Chromebooks

One note on the documents below... the difference between a shortcut and tabs - A shortcut is an icon on your desktop you double click to open an application or website in a browser. A tab opens websites when you launch your browser (shown in tabs across your browser). You would select setting up tabs over shortcuts if you want multiple sites open daily (example, mine is set to tabs so when I launch my browser, it opens my PV-Eagles gmail, calendar, PowerSchool, and a few other sites I use daily so I can easily navigate between sites and always leave my gmail and calendar open in my browser).

Website shortcuts and default browser.pdf
Clearing the cache in your browsers.pdf
Changing Default Browser Settings for Downloads.pdf
Adding Tabs in Chrome or Firefox.pdf