
Term 4

Week 8


We are learning to add detail to the beginning, middle and end of sentences using vocabulary specific to Christmas.

Christmas Vocab

Week 5

P.E teamwork self and peer assessment

Week 3

Researching Camp Benzon on Kawau Island

Term 3

Week 10

Writing Sentence Beginnings

Variety in sentence beginnings makes the saying and writing more captivating, less ‘run of the mill’ and monotonous. There are a several ways to do this.

1. - starting with a simple noun group

Thunder claps echoed across the landscape.

2. - starting with an expanded noun group

Brilliant sunlight shone through the window.

3 - starting with a dependent verbal element

Jumping with joy, I ran home to tell mum my good news.

4 - starting with speech

‘Hey you!’ yelled the guy from across the street.

5 - starting with prepositional noun group (serving as an adverbial)

Along the narrow street are houses the same shape, the same size, and even the same colour.

6 - starting with an adverbial (a verb modifier / qualifier)

Silently the cat crept towards the bird, ready to pounce.

Week 9

Letters of Complaint - template

Your name and address


Dear Sir or Madam (or name)

Ask for the person's help, eg "I'd really appreciate your help with this."

State facts of situation, including dates, names, reference numbers, but keep this very concise and brief.

State your suggested solution.

State some positive things about your normal experience with the organization concerned, compliment any of their people who have given good service; compliment their products and say that normally you are very happy with things.

State that you look forward to hearing from them soon and that you appreciate their help.

Yours faithfully (if not sent to a named person) or sincerely (if sent to a named person)

Your signature

Week 5-6

Podcast scripts:


Olympic Shot Put

Medley Swimming Relay

Podcast script template

Week 4-5

Olympics Events:

Planning template

Shot Put

Summarising Information

Shot Put

Art Reflection

Olympics Events:

Week 3

Planning template

Medley Swimming Relay


Medley Swimming Relay

Week 1-2

Making notes and summarising in our own words.

Olympic Symbols - here is a good example from Kaycee

Why Bees sting - here is a good example from Isara

We needed to listen carefully to the message, and use the key words to summarise information.

Term 2

Week 9


Week 7-8

Reflecting on our art work

Art Reflection brainstorm and planning template

Art Reflection writing template

Week 5-6

Podcast Review Template

Podcasting Script

KPE Podcasts to listen to

Starry Starry Night

Room 17 Book Review

Podcast script template

Week 4

Art Critiquing - Van Gogh's Starry Starry Night

Form for reflection


Sunflowers Critique


Week 3

Swimming lessons

We are recounting our experiences at the pools having swimming lessons.


Week 2

Marking my paragraph

We are using a model for critiquing to reflect on

Vocabulary to use

Van Gogh's Sunflowers

How to Critique Art


Term 2 Week 1

We are recounting our Holiday highlight

Writing an effective text rubric

Term 1 Week 9-10

Wierd Frog Facts

Life Cycle video

Frog Report

Kiwis and Wekas

Moreporks - A Very Special Frog 1.4.05


Penguins - writing about frogs

Early Finishers Easter Activities

Week 8

Camp recount

Week 6


Sports Form

Week 5

Writing sample for assessment.

Podcast reviews

What makes a great podcast?

Week 3 -4 Introductions that hook in and orientate our audience

We have looked at different ways to grab the attention of our audience and hook them into writing.

Here are some great examples from Room 17:

Speech“YES!" I shouted as I got the news that our school picnic was on. Over 600 kids(including me) got to the reserve, all talking to each other about what they had planned for the day. I personally thought it was crazy, but cool, that our principal organized this!

Jonita's blog


Did you know that all the Pt England School kids go on a picnic to the reserve?

That’s 600 children in one massive picnic.


How many people do you take to a normal picnic ?1,2 or maybe 3 but the Pt England picnic had over 600 people. There were so many people that if you were in a plane would think we were a colony if fire ants roaming around . This is an annual thing but this year it was even bigger than all the other ones.



If your going to take a whole school to have a picnic on the beach, you need 1 parent for every 5 kids? It’s true, its the law, and that's what Pt England School had to get to be able to go on our school picnic.



Monday Mornings are the worst! Sometimes when I go school I am half asleep in class. I wish it’s a weekend morning but when I hear a shout my wishes are crushed.

Gloria's blog

Term 1 Week 2 - Blog Commenting

Week 2 - commenting on posts

We are learning to comment on other blog posts.

Term 1 Week 1 - Holiday highlight

We have all just come back from a long summer holiday and need to share what we have been doing.

You are going to choose one things to write about, it could be a highlight or a lowlight of your holiday.

Introduction paragraph - 2 sentences

Hook us in and tell us what you are writing about.

For Kiwis and Wekas only:

Paragraph 2 - 3 sentences Paragraph 3 - 3-4 sentences

Well constructed paragraph (see rubric) Well constructed paragraph (see rubric)

Conclusion - 1 sentence

Sum up how you felt or what you thought of the even you wrote about.

Publish this story on your blog with a tux picture and a good title.