

You should be reading EVERY night.

This is the fun part of homework. It will also help you with your reading, as well as your vocabulary, your writing and your spelling.

Some of your novels will be reviewed on KPE. You can check to see which of your KPE podcasts have been published.

We go to the library on Monday and you are able to take one of the 2 books you have issued home.

Remember to bring it back to school again to return or renew on Monday morning!

Basic Facts

We should be able to recall (say the answer quickly) for any addition or subtraction problem up to 20.

Multiplication and division facts also need to be learned.

You can go on the the flashcards to help practise these or learn and test your tables on this great site.


You can write your own posts at home about what you have been doing.

Or, you can going on to other blogs and leave a comment.

Remember creating an audience is about you sharing the love and visiting other peoples' blogs. Remember to leave your footprint (URL).

How about teaching you family how to comment on your blog, or the class blog at home.