
The fees for PASSAGE are designed to support field trips, snacks, craft supplies, and staff salaries.  Fees are based on a non-profit budget.   As of March 2018, all passage fees are to be paid with electronic check.    Passage does not accept cash, check , or credit cards. Parents are able to pick payment plans that best suit their needs.  We have two payment options.  You can select a "Pay as you go" option or "Level pay" option.

Pay As You Go, means that you are paying the the amount you are invoiced. 

Example-Paying $50 a week for after school care, and then paying $115 a week for summer Passage with a lunch provided. 

Level Pay, means that you are paying the same amount each payment throughout  the school year and summer regardless of what you are invoiced for the week.  You will work up a credit during the school year and then use that credit when summer arrives.

Example-A student enrolled in PM Passage and Summer Option B (lunch provided) will pay the same $61.00 each week for the entire school year and summer. 

Once you select Pay As You Go or Level Pay, you will then have the option to select how often you would like to pay.  Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Twice Monthly, Monthly, or 4 Lump Sum payments. (More information regarding payments are given out once you have a spot in the Passage program.)

Non-payment of fees will result in termination of eligibility for your child in PASSAGE. 

 *Passage will work with community assistance programs.  It is the parent's responsibility to provide documents and maintain eligibility status with both parties. 

School Year Rates: (New rates starting 8/19/2024)

AM Only- $35.00 per week

PM Only-$50.00 per week

AM & PM-$80.00 per week ($5.00 discount)

Summer Rates: (Beginning Summer 2025)

Option A-$100.00 (Sack lunch is brought from home each day)

Option B:-$115.00 (Lunch is provided by Passage through the Farmingdale Cafeteria)

*Passage will work with community assistance programs.  It is the parent's responsibility to provide documents and maintain eligibility status with both parties.