
If you are seeking childcare for the 2024-25 school year,  this Wait List opened 8/20/23 and currently has 52 students as of 5/22/24.  We do not anticipate that PASSAGE will be able to met the needs of all students on the Wait List and highly suggest that you have a Plan "B" .

As a reminder, at the end of each session(school and summer), the current wait list is discarded and the new wait list is accessed. If you are needing year-round care, please add your student's name to both lists!

The School Year Session Wait List opens August 20th, 12:01am, one year prior.  Requests made before 12:01am will not be accepted.

The Summer Session Wait List opens June 1st, 12:01am, one year priorRequests made before 12:01am will not be accepted.

Current School Status: Phase 3 

Phase 1: 
Students do not attend school, all learning is done remotely. Passage will remain closed throughout Phase 1. 

Phase 2: Phase 2 approved to begin on January 4, 2021. 

Students will attend a hybrid schedule with a blend of  academics at school and remote learning.  Passage will remain closed throughout Phase 2. 

Phase 3: Phase 3 planned for April 6, 2021, Passage re-open date is also April 6, 2021.  

Students will attend a full day of school on site. Passage will re-open for Phase 3.  








Located at Farmingdale Elementary, Passage is a licensed-exempt childcare center, it is not licensed or regulated by DCFS.