It's all homework in remote learning!

Check Google Classroom daily!

Use your HPMS Student Planner/Organizer to write it down!

Check your PUSD Gmail daily!

Q: What should I do if I don't know what is due for homework?

A: (In order of best solution)

1) Check Google Classroom and StudySync.

2) Check your PUSD Gmail daily.

3) Ask me, Mrs. Gatehouse. Please be aware that I do not regularly check school e-mail once I have "left" remote learning for the day. Please develop the scholarly and mature habit of communicating with me during class or Office Hours or by sending an e-mail to me that you have written yourself.

4) Ask a classmate from each of your classes to be your "Study Buddy" and get their contact information. (PUSD Gmail and phone #) This is the best option after 5:00 PM and on weekends.

Q: What if I am absent?

A: Your parent or guardian needs to call the Harvest Park Attendance Office to report your absence. You may make up your work upon your return, with no penalty. Please contact me to discuss your situation. I consider each student's needs on an individual basis.