Qualifying for Gifted Services

Many people wonder how a student qualifies to receive gifted programming in the Platte County R-III School District. Below is a flow chart detailing the qualification process. 

As a district universal screener, all students are administered the Fastbridge Mathematics and Fastbridge Reading assessment in the Fall, Winter and Spring.

A talent pool is created by reviewing existing data on any student who scores in the 95th percentile or higher on either the Mathematics or Reading universal screener. Students who show consistent performance in the 90th percentile or higher and exhibit behaviors indicative of a gifted learner are identified for further screening. 

After receiving parental permission to assess, students in the talent pool are administered the SAGES-3 and the Formal Observation of Exceptional Behavior. Students who score in the 95th percentile or higher in 2 or 3 of 3 categories are administered an IQ test.

Gifted Program Student From Another District   A student who was in a gifted program in another district is subject to a records review to determine if the student qualifies based upon the Platte County R-3 Delta criteria.  For a student such as this, copies of all test data will need to be given to the LEAP instructor at the designated school.  If the student meets the qualifications of the LEAP criteria, the parents will be notified in writing.  Otherwise, the student will continue through the referral process.