Simple Machines Cards 2-4

1031 LEGO Technic Curriculum Cards

Card 2: FLUs and Pegs...

    1. Review the pictures and build the structures on card 2.

    2. Notice that sometimes, you have to use a 1/3 FLU brick or two to make the spacing work. An "FLU" is a "Functional Lego Unit" -- it's "one brick" size. The 1/3 FLU pieces are the "flat bricks."

    3. Notice how you "peg" bricks together.

    4. Notice how you use cylindrical "bushings" to hold bricks one FLU apart.

    5. Now build the two structures on the back of the card. Check with your teacher when you have finished each.

Card 3: Triangular Bracing

    1. Look at the front cover of the card. What do you notice about the shapes used to keep these structures strong?

    2. Build the four-sided figure. What happens when you push on a corner? What if you push the corner of a trapezoid instead of a square?

    3. Now review the pictures and build the triangular structures. What happens when you push on a corner?

    4. Build one of the structures on the back of the card. Why is it important to use triangular shapes when building structures? Where have you seen triangular shapes to support structures in real life?

    5. Check with your teacher when you have built the structure and answered the questions.

Card 4: Simple Levers (AND How LEGO writes instructions....)

    1. Each of the objects on the front uses a "lever." Look online or in a physical science textbook to explain "What is a lever?"

    2. The center of the card starts with a box of materials. How does LEGO tell you how many of each piece will be used? How do they tell you how long an axle needs to be?

    3. How many different levers will you be building in the center of the card? How does LEGO tell you that you are building a new object? How does LEGO number the steps for building them?

    4. What are two ways to make a "fulcrum" with LEGO pieces? (Can you define a "fulcrum"?)

    5. Build the scale on the back of the card. This will be tough! You may need to try pieces in a few ways. If your scale can't go up and down, then something's not right!

    6. Name 3 places where you have seen levers used in real life.

    7. When you have a working scale and have answered the questions for this card, check in with your teacher.