0.5 - Input & Output

Unit 0.5 - Introduction - Input and Output

How do you create a program that responds to user/environmental input?

Am I Ready to Try This?

This unit is for students who have not done much programming before, or who have never programmed in the environment they are using this year. You will only work on this mini-unit if your teacher recommends it.

Before beginning this unit, you should have completed the tasks in "0 - Initial Setup."

What Am I Learning and Why Am I Learning This Now?

This little mini-unit is to learn to create a very basic program in your programming environment.

How do you start and end a program? How do you get it "to" your robot? Can you get your robot to "do" something so you know it got your instructions? Can you get it to "hear" you / accept an input? In unit 1, you'll use a few different inputs and outputs, along with some control structures.

Robotics Learning Mini-Project: Is Anybody Listening?

Create a program that makes your robot "respond" in some way -- turn on a light or a motor, for example. Then expand your program so that it only does that after it gets some input from you - a button is pushed, a key pressed, etc...

Minimum Project Expectations


Robot meets the requirements of the task. (Use the description above to define your task, including criteria for success and parameters. Be sure to check in with the teacher to be sure you have this first journal entry correct.)

Engineering Journal:

Create some notes about the general format of a program and how to enter it into your robot.

How to Navigate this Unit:

  1. KNOW YOUR GOAL: This is an "in between" step -- How do you create a program? How do you get it to your robot? How do you output - get your robot to "do" something? How do you get your robot to respond to an input of some kind?

  2. READINESS CHECK: Do you have a robot & programming environment?

  3. LEARN:

  4. LEARN:

  5. READINESS CHECK: When you have completed the mini-project, "turn in" your project engineering journal and schedule an assessment conversation with your teacher. During the assessment conversation, show your teacher your mini-project and answer your teacher's questions about your project. Based on this formative assessment, your teacher may ask you complete some additional tasks or research to help you understand basic input and output / sense and response systems or improve your skills in competency 1 (engineering process).

  6. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: There is no formal summative for this mini-unit


Be sure to check the resources folder for notes on the structure of your engineering journal.

Google Drive Folder for SETUP: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x6vq80m5pLyATHoUdxP6giniVg0YjV0v?usp=sharing

From Python.org's beginner guide: https://wiki.python.org/moin/SimplePrograms