
Welcome to TDI!

. . . where all the cool stuff happens!

What does EBA have in common with Haiti?

For the answer click HERE.


site specific sculpture

(Students design a scaled sculpture for Mr. Nieces 30 gallon fish tank. We talk about buoyancy, ratios and percentages of air vs. plastic in the piece, measuring using the metric system, and more.)

Recently ECU opened the first Makerbot Innovation Lab in North Carolina.

The lab is located on Jarvis Street across from Christy's Europub.

EBA student work was printing on the Makerbot 3D printers there for the Chamber of Commerce and media to see.

Copy of Pitt County Schoo...M Initiatives - CME & EBA

This Adidas 3D-printed sneaker is made from ocean waste! Click here for more info

Representatives from The Roberts Company will visited our lab on

Wednesday October 14th.

Here is a link to more info: http://www.robertscompany.com/



I want one!!!

7th Grade's Chess Set ready for printing on 9/21/15

As you can see . . . prints don't always go as planned. We will go back to the drawing board on the knights.

Here's the final 7th Grade print with knights!!!

6th Grade's Chess Set needs to add pawns, bishops, and a queen before printing

COMPLETE 6th Grade Chess Set ready for printing

6 Grade Pawns are a success(trying to print the entire set at one time resulted in two fails)!

Now to print the back row!

6 Grade Rooks and Bishops

6 Grade's Final Chess Board!!!

8th Grade's Chess Set ready for printing on 9/21/15

8th Grade's printed set

Student designed chess pieces waiting to be printed(and one teacher designed tape dispenser axis).

More to print . . .

More to print . . .


Student designed chess pieces waiting to be printed(and one teacher designed tape dispenser axis).

Student designed chess pieces ready for 3D printing. Batman was imported.

Students have been designing chess pieces using Google SketchUp. We already on round three of 3D printing of Prototypes. Students are currently designing possible chess boards.

Eventually we will print out a full working chess set (student designed).

We use Google SketchUp to design in 3D.

Here is the link in case you would like to download it to use for free at home:


123D Design is also a FREE downloadable app for designing 3D objects for printing!

Here's the link for more info:


Plans and artifacts made this summer. . . more to come!

TDI plan 2015 - artifact for ECU