This years entries in the "Out of Space" YEAP at ECU

Race From Earth (graphite) Dequan Mcfarlen 8th G

This year’s YEAP theme is Running Out of Space. I invite you to explore with your students the multitude of potential subjects that this theme may bring to mind. Some topics that we’ve considered include: Recycling, Waste Management, Natural Resources, Ecology, Urban Planning, and Architecture, both on Earth and throughout the Cosmos.

Your YEAP theme might also consider other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ideas related to space. Lessons for different age groups include (1) growing plants on earth and in space, (2) NASA research on the salinity of the oceans; (2) the helical movement of the earth through space and logarithmic/golden spirals in the universe; (3) symbiotic relations of objects in the natural world

There is a reception this Sunday April 19th at 3:00pm at the Jenkins Fine Arts Center at ECU. Please come out and enjoy!

Link for directions to the show

Solar System Swirl (Print) Daquan Taylor 6th G

Rocket (Water Color) Issac Soderstorm 7th G

Symbiotic Relationship (Ceramic) Jamie Smith 8th G

Symbiotic Relationship (Ceramic) Hasun Davis 8th G

Henry Moore Tribute (Ceramic) Jada Watts 8th G

Groot (Ceramic) Tymain Everett 6th G

Parasite & Host (Ceramic) Matthew Stevens 8th G