Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory Field trip


DATE: Sunday, November 7, 2021

DEPART FROM SBCC: 9:30am (the bus rolls at 9:30 am, so get there at 9am so that we can leave on time). Meet at the EBS loading dock, which is between the SBCC bookstore and the EBS building (just in front of the bookstore) and a little ways toward the ocean. You may lose your spot on the trip if you are not there 15 minutes before departure time. OK to park on Campus WITHOUT a permit on Bookstore level ONLY .

RETURN TO SBCC: Between 7 and 8 (depending on traffic, etc).

COST: $40.00 to be paid at the SBCC Cashier (in student services building). Make checks payable to SBCC or use your credit card.


Timing of Sign-ups:

Signups are on a "first come" basis. Sign up now. Don't delay. Cashier will accept payment up to the Thursday before the trip, unless filled before then.

WHAT TO BRING: Griffith has a cafeteria/cafe. Salads and hot entree available + snacks. Lots of seating inside and out. OK to bring food for dinner and/or money to buy lunch/dinner at Griffith. Also, be sure to bring a sweater or jacket for on the bus. Bus AC can be variable! OK to bring a backpack. The bus will not be available during the time we are at Griffith. All food items will need to be stowed away in your backpack (Griffith does not allow food into their exhibit halls but you may eat at the inside/outside tables).

FIELD TRIP WAIVER FORM: All students will be required to turn in a waiver form. Waiver can be filled out on the bus. However, if you are under 18, you will need to get a parent or guardian's signature in advance (so print out in advance and get the required signatures beforehand). Fill out a waiver (just the first two pages) in advance and bring it to the trip to save time.

SBCC FieldTripWaiver.pdf


There are no refunds for cancellations unless we are notified far enough in advance to be able to find someone to take your spot.