Welcome to Chemistry and Physics and NOW DUAL CREDIT BIOLOGY!

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Chemistry is the study of mater, energy, and the changes that each under go. At Pittsfield High School, it is a weighted class, which means that carries added weight with respect to GPA. Students who desire to attend college, and have a fairly strong math background are encourage to enroll.

Students will engage in: Discussions, in-class assignments, out-of-class assignments, quizzes, tests, and various laboratory exercises.

Weekly Lesson Plans

Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. Physics is a close "cousin" to chemistry, but it is distinguished from that of chemistry and biology, in that its subject matter includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. Additionally, at Pittsfield High School, physics has an obvious engineering component. Like Chemistry, it is a weighted course, and carry additional weight with respect to GPA.

Students will engage in: Discussions, in-class assignments, out-of-class assignments, quizzes, tests, various laboratory exercises, as well as, a set of engineering and technical design projects.

Weekly Lesson Plans

Advance Biology (JWCC BIO 101)

This is a dual credit course conducted in conjunction with John Wood Community College. Students in this class are already in college:


An introductory biology course covering the chemistry of living organisms, cellular biology, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, genetics, and topics in evolution. Current issues related to the aforementioned topics are discussed. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours (4 cr. hrs.); IAI: L1 900L


MAT 010 with a grade of “C” or above within two semesters, or appropriate placement test score, or consent of department