Attendance Policy & Grading

Students will receive their Instrumental Music grade on their Academic Report Card.  Grades are based on effort (practice, behavior, and attendance in class and performances) and playing ability (sound, posture, technique, playing tests).

Students are enrolled in Instrumental Music for the entire school year. 


    Attendance is a major portion of a student's grade.  Students are required to attend every lesson if they are in school that day.  Lessons occur throughout the day, not just during your child's PE/Music class.  Students receive a daily participation grade based on their attendance with all of their supplies.  If a student forgets their instrument, they are still required to attend the lesson as learning can still be accomplished.  If a student does not come to class even though they are in school (skips the lesson), they receive an "E" for their daily grade. 


Excused absences

        A student will receive a grade of "excused" if they are absent from school.  Other instances in which a student may receive a grade of "excused":

I do understand that quizzes and tests can be given during their instrumental lesson and in those cases, the lesson can be made up as long as the student comes to speak to Ms. McNair.  If it is not possible to see the student later that day, the student can be excused.  It happens once in a while and is not to be an abused excuse.

Unexcused absence

*If a student is in school but does not attend their Instrumental Music lesson, and has no written excuse from their teacher, they are considered having skipped the class for the day.  They will receive a grade of "5" points, with the comment "Skipped Class" in the notes section on SchoolMax so that parents are always aware of their student's attendance in class.*


Grading for instrumental music is broken down into three main categories:

Participation, Homework, and Assessment.


1.  Classwork (Participation) is worth 60% of the student’s final grade. 

Instrumental Music students will be awarded 20 points daily for class work:

10 points for being on time and prepared with instrument and homework 

2 points for textbook and supplies

2 points for sheet music 

6 points for participation, effort, appropriate behavior, and following class rules


Attendance is extremely important. Participation points cannot be earned retroactively.


2.  Assessments are worth 30% of the student’s final grade.

Assessments include, but are not limited to performances & playing quizzes/tests.

    *Performances (TBD)

        Students will participate in at least two performances a school year- the Winter & Spring Concert.  

        Notification in the form of a permission slip will be sent out at least one month prior to the performance.  

        Due to the performance being graded as an exam for the class, students need to return the permission slip 

        before or by the due date so that I know whether or not they are going to be able to perform that evening- 

       this is also a homework grade.  If your musician is unable to perform with us, the grade will come

        from a concert makeup packet which will be sent home. 

3Independent Practice (formerly Homework) is worth 10% of the student’s final grade.

Any written assignment given will be collected the next lesson, and may include history and/or theory worksheets.

Written assignments are not given every day.

Performance assignments (for upload via SmartMusic) are considered Independent Practice.

*Please note that performance permission slips are also homework grades*