Night Report 2019-05-31
Observers: Elizabeth Swann, Christopher Frohmaier
Support Team: Edinburgh + Southampton backup
All times in UT
Beginning of Night: Clouds
02:15 Dome opened
Middle of night: Thin cirrus
End of night: Clear
Evening: Daytime TO performed PESSTO calib & bias
Morning: PESSTO calib & bias
02:27 - SN2019gbx Followup, gr13 & gr16 each 1500s. Seeing 2.4 but steadily improving as clouds clear
03:35 - EG274, Standard star, gr11 gr13 gr16, 1" 1.5" and added 2.0" calibration as seeing was poor at start of night
04:03 - AT2019fzm Classification, gr13, 1.5" slit, 1x300s. Seeing 1.6. - clear SNIa norm -5 to 0 days pre-peak.
04:27 - SN2019fcc Followup, gr13, 1.5" slit, 1x1500s. Seeing 1.5,
05:04 - AT2019fyr Classification, gr13, 1.5" slit. Seeing 1.4, 1x300s. Faint underlying source in Pan-STARRS. We do not think this is SN - spectrum too noisy to reliably classify
05:17 - SN2019cqc Followup, Obtained 2x2700s gr13, 2.0" slit due to high airmass + poor seeing. Seeing improved in 2nd exposure but kept 2.0" slit for consistency.
06:56 - LTT7379 Standard Star, gr11 gr13 gr16, 1" 1.5" and added 2.0" calibration as used 2.0" for cqc
07:23 - SN2019fht Followup, gr13 1.5" slit, 1x2700s. Seeing 2.1.
08:30 - AT2019fzu Classification, gr13, 1" slit, 1x450s. Seeing 1.2. Spectrum appears stellar, could be CV?
08:45 - AT2019gaf Classification, gr13 1" slit, 1x900s. Seeing 1.2. Interesting object - no idea what this is!
09:07 - SN2019fmr Followup, gr13 1.5" slit, 1x1500s. Seeing 1.68.
09:35 - Feige 110 Standard Star, gr11 gr13 gr16, 1" 1.5" slits.
09:56 - AT2019gfb Classification, gr13, 1" slit, 1x300s. Seeing 0.8. Clear Ia norm, -1 day from peak.
10:09 - AT2019fxt Classification, gr13, 1" slit, 1x600s. Seeing 1.6.