Night report 2017-01-18
Observers: Jesper Sollerman, Francesco Taddia
TAT on duty: Morgan Fraser, Joe Anderson
Support team: Cristina Barbarino, Anders Nyholm, Emir Karamehmetoglu
Daytime calibrations:
Weather: Low clouds at the beginning of the night.
seeing at 1.2" at 01:00
seeing at 0.8" at 02:05
seeing at 0.7" at 05:33
seeing at 0.44" at 07:24
Image analysis failed due to possible condensation in the camera, we proceeded with about 35 min delay.
UT/Target/RA/DEC/grism or filter/time spent(min) /description
01:15 SN2016ije 01:58:30.32 +12:55:27.9 JHK 1:25 FOLLOW-UP.
02:40 Hip019905 04:16:13.25 -30:51:55.40 BG+RG 5 Telluric.
02:45 SN2016ija 04:12:07.62 -32:51:10.9 BG+RG 2:24 (= 01:47*1.35) FOLLOW-UP.
05:25 Hip019905 04:16:13.25 -30:51:55.40 BG+RG 6 Telluric.
05:31 SN2016ija 04:12:07.62 -32:51:10.9 JHK 1:01 FOLLOW-UP.
06:24 SN2016hvl 06:44:02.16 +12:23:47.8 JHK 30 FOLLOW-UP.
06:54 AT2016jbu 07:36:25.96 -69:32:55.2 JHK 21 FOLLOW-UP.
07:15 LTT3218 08 41 32.56 -32 56 34.9 BG+RG 10 Spectral standard.
07:29 SN2016aiy 13:08:25.39 -41:58:50.3 JHK 1:31 FOLLOW-UP.
09:00 end of the night
The first object observed (SN2016ije) does not have the SN name in the subexposure's file names, so files were named name_J_000X.fits and not SN2016ije_J_000X.fits.