HS Choirs

Advanced Choir

Advanced Choir meets daily. It is an auditioned mixed ensemble of 10-12 grade students. This ensemble is intended for the serious singer who desires an intensive music-making experience. An in depth study of music from each period of music history will be explored with focus on vocal production, independence in musicianship skills, music literacy (including solfege), musical precision, and advanced ensemble skills. Students in this ensemble have an understanding of proper breath support, rhythm counting, phrasing, diction, sight reading, and tone placement.

All students are afforded the opportunity of a weekly voice lesson, where they focus on music theory, sight-reading, and repertoire. The choir performs four concerts during the year, one each quarter. There are many other additional opportunities which students participate in including show choir, recital, showcase, and honor choirs. Students receive a pass/no pass grade that includes work in their lessons and full choir.

Select Choir

Select Choir meets daily. It is an auditioned mixed ensemble of 10-12 grade students. Students will experience literature of music from each period of music history and will be explored with focus on vocal production, independence in musicianship skills, music literacy (including solfege), and musical precision. Students in this ensemble have a basic understanding of proper breathing techniques, rhythm counting, diction, and tone placement.

All students are afforded the opportunity of a weekly voice lesson, where they focus on music theory, sight-reading, and repertoire. The choir performs four concerts during the year, one each quarter. There are many other additional opportunities which students participate in including show choir, recital, showcase, and honor choirs. Students receive a pass/no pass grade that includes work in their lessons and full choir.

Concert Choir

Concert Choir meets daily. It is a mixed, non auditioned ensemble of 9-12 grade students. Students will experience literature from each period of music history and will be explored with focus on vocal production, music literacy (including solfege), and music reading skills.

All students are afforded the opportunity of a weekly voice lesson, where they focus on music theory, sight-reading, and repertoire. The choir performs four concerts during the year, one each quarter. There are many other additional opportunities which students participate in including show choir, recital, showcase, and honor choirs. Students receive a pass/no pass grade that includes work in their lessons and full choir.

AcaPella Show Choir

AcaPella is a mixed auditioned ensemble of 10-12 grade students. It is considered an extra-curricular ensemble. Rehearsals for this ensemble happen on Monday and Thursday evenings as well as Tuesday and Thursday mornings during the winter months. AcaPella competes in 4-5 Saturday competitions. Students in the ensemble have an understanding of proper breathing techniques, rhythm counting, diction, tone placement, facial expressions, and dancing skills.

Bravo Show Choir

Bravo Show Choir is a mixed non-auditioned ensemble of 9-12 grade students. It is considered an extra-curricular ensemble. Rehearsals for this ensemble happen on Monday evenings as well as Tuesday and Thursday mornings during the winter months. Bravo competes in 4-5 Saturday competitions.