6th-8th Grade Choir Information

6-8 Choir Rubrics

6-8 Choir Curriculum

Middle School Choir Handbook

6th Grade Choir Handbook

6-8 Concert/Event Dates

Annual Sight-Singing Competition

Show Choir Information

Show choir is open to anyone enrolled in choir who is willing to put forth 100% effort and attend all rehearsals.  Show Choir starts in late October and ends at the end of February.  An informational meeting is typically held around the first of October and students/parents will be informed of this meeting several weeks before this meeting.  A handbook with expectations will be passed out at this meeting.  The permission form needs to be signed/handed in before the due date in order for students to participate. There are financial obligations for this ensemble, and a strict attendance policy.  Rehearsals will be primarily before school and many weekend rehearsals.  Members of this group serve as representatives of our school, so high character is also a requirement for membership.