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Payson Civic Chorale
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Current Music
Alleluia from Brazilian Psalm - Jean Berger
Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves - Verdi
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - David A Zabriskie
Glory of the Father, The - Egil Hovland
Las Golondrinas
Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - Williams
Joy in the Morning - Natalie Sleeth
Lord Bless You and Keep You, The - John Rutter
Lord is my shepherd, The (Psalm 23) - Howard Goodall
Pilgrim Song - Ryan Murphy
Rose Touched by the Sun's Warm Rays, A - Berger
Shepherd Me, Lord - Kingsley-Knight
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Gilbert M Martin
Mailing List
Music Archive
A Child My Choice - Eugene Butler
A Flower Remembered - John Rutter
A La Nanita Nana - Norman Luboff
African Alleluia - Benjamin Halan
Ah, Bleak And Chill The Wintry Wind - Alfred Burt
Alfred Burt Carols
4. Christ in the Stranger's Guise - Alfred Burt
5. Come, Dear Children - Alfred Burt
Alleluia - Ralph Manuel
All In The April Evening - Tynan-Roberton
All Things Bright and Beautiful - John Rutter
America - The Dream Goes On Arr. John Williams
America the Beautiful
America the Beautiful - Bates-Ward-Davis
America the Beautiful - Mack Wilberg
An American Celebration - Arr. Carl Strommen
And What Is It We Shall Hope For? - Robert Cundick
An Irish Blessing - James E Moore Jr
Angel Gabriel, The - Audrey Snyder
Angels We Have Heard On High - Parker-Shaw
Angels' Carol - John Rutter
Anthem of Peace - Mack Wilberg
Armed Forces Salute - Joyce Eilers
Armed Forces Salute - Benjamin K. Winkler
Armed Man: Benedictus - Jenkins
Armed Man: Santcus - Jenkins
As the Bridegroom To His Chosen - John Rutter
At The River - Aaron Copland
Awakening, The - Joseph M Martin
Away In a Manger - Howard Helvey
Away in a Manger - Paul Sjolund
Away To America - Linda Williams
MC 082: Alleluia! Christ is Risen - Kopolyoff-Gaul
Babe is Born, A - Williametta Spencer
Baby, What You Goin' To Be? - Natalie Sleeth
Battle Hymn of the Republic - Steffe-Wilhousky
Battle of Jericho, The - Moses Hogan
Beati Quorum Via - C V Stanford
Beautiful Savior - Arr. F. M. Christiansen
Beautiful Savior - F Melius Christiansen
Behold! He Shall Be Born of Mary - Robert Cundick
Behold Our God - Baird-Altrogge-McDonald
Behold the Wounds in Jesus' Hands - David R Naylor
Ben Franklin Sez - Norman Luboff
p03: Many - Norman Luboff
p03: Old Drunkards! - Norman Luboff
p04: Rivers - Norman Luboff
p05: God Heals - Norman Luboff
p05: The Proud - Norman Luboff
p06: Faults - Norman Luboff
p07: The Poor - Norman Luboff
p08: God Works Wonders - Norman Luboff
p08: Success - Norman Luboff
p09: In Marriage - Norman Luboff
p09: Men and Melons - Norman Luboff
p10: Confidence - Norman Luboff
p11: When Men - Norman Luboff
p12: Friendship - Norman Luboff
p13: Ding Dong - Norman Luboff
p14: Grief - Norman Luboff
p15: Epitaph On A Scolding Wife - Norman Luboff
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind - John Rutter
Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light - Bach
Bright, Bright The Holly Berries - Alfred Burt
Brightest and Best - Shawn Kirchner
Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella - John Rutter
MC 084: Bless The Lord - Michail Ivanoff
Call of the Champions - John Williams
Candlelight Carol - John Rutter
Cantate Domino - Josu Elberdin
Cantique de Jean Racine - Gabriel Faure
Carol (Neighbors, on This Frosty Tide) - Joan Morris and William Bolcom
Carol of the Bagpipers - William Averitt
Carol of the Bells - Wilhousky
Caroling, Caroling - Alfred Burt
Carol Of The Drum - Katherine K Davis
Caroling, Caroling - Alfred Burt
Carols of the Nativity - Richard Hynson
I - It Came Upon the Midnight Clear - Richard Hynson
II - Infant Holy, Infant Lowly - Richard Hynson
III - Angels We Have Heard - Richard Hynson
Carols Three (A Christmas Overture) - Luigi Zaninelli
Celtic Christmas, A - Audrey Snyder
Ceremony of Carols, A - Benjamin Britten
01. Processional - Benjamin Britten
02. Wolcum Yole - Benjamin Britten
03. There is no Rose - Benjamin Britten
04a. That Yonge Child - Benjamin Britten
04b. Balulalow - Benjamin Britten
05. As Dew in Aprille - Benjamin Britten
06. This Little Babe - Benjamin Britten
08. In Freezing Winter Night - Benjamin Britten
10. Deo Gracias - Benjamin Britten
11. Recession - Benjamin Britten
Chindia - Pascanu
Ching-A-Ring-Chaw - Copland
Choral Amen, A - John Rutter
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - Charles Wesley and Henry Carey
Christmas Angels - John Leavitt
Christmas Day - Gustav Holst
Christmas Reflection, A - Knox-Eilers
Christmas Song, The - Mark Hayes
Circle Of Life - Elton John
Clare Benediction, A - John Rutter
Climb To The Top Of The Highest Mountain - Carolyn Jennings
Come Sing with Me, O - David C Dahlquist
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Mack Wilberg
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus - Daniel E Gawthrop
Come To My Garden - John Leavitt
Country Corn - Stephen L Lawrence
MC 027: Cherubim Song, No. 7 - Bortniansky-Tchaikovsky
Da Droben vom Berge - David DĂĽsing
Danny Boy - Brad Printz
Deck the Halls (in 7/8) - James McKelvy
Deck The Halls - Leo M Tellep
Deep River - Norman Luboff
Deer Chase, The - Norman Luboff
Dies Irae - W A Mozart
Dies Irae - Verdi
Ding Dong! Merrily On High - Woodward-Johnson
Distant Land - John Rutter
Dormi, Dormi, O Bel Bambin - Robert DeCormier
Do You Hear What I Hear? - Regney-Shayne-Simeone
Dry Your Tears, Afrika - John Williams
Edelweiss - Linda Spevacek
Elijah - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 01: Help, Lord - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 02: Lord, Bow Thine Ear - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 09: Blessed Are the Men Who Fear Him - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 11: Baal, We Cry to Thee - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 12: Hear Our Cry, O Baal! - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 13: Baal! Baal! - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 15: Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 16: The Fire Descends - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 19A: Open the Heavens
Elijah 19B (pre): Thanks Be To God
Elijah 20: Thanks be to God! - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 28: Lift Thine Eyes - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 29: He, Watching Over Israel - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 34: Behold, God the Lord - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 36: Go, Return Upon Thy Way - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 38: Then Did Elijah - Felix Mendelssohn
Elijah 43: And Then Shall Your Light Break Forth - Felix Mendelssohn
Exsultate - Jacob Narverud
Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee, The - Jean Berger
Festival Sanctus - John Leavitt
First Nowell, The - Mack Wilberg
Five Centuries of Choral Music book
149. Lullay my Liking - Gustav Holst
151. The Carol of the Angels - John Jacob Niles
For the Beauty of the Earth - John Rutter
Gaelic Blessing, A - John Rutter
Geographical Fugue a la Utah - Kimball
Gesu Bambino - Pietro A Yon
Gift to Be Simple, The - Bob Chilcott
Gloria In Excelsis - Vivaldi-Martens
Gloria - John Rutter
Gloria I - John Rutter
Gloria II - John Rutter
Gloria III - John Rutter
Gloria - Ramòn Noble
Glorious Everlasting - M. Thomas Cousins
Glory Hallelu! - Don Besig
Glory to God in the Highest - G. B. Pergolesi
Glory to God in the Highest - Randall Thompson
God Be In My Head - John Rutter
Go Out With Joy - Hank Beebe
God Bless America - Berlin-Davis
God Bless the USA - David Schmidt
God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand - Roberts-Warren-Wilberg
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen - John Rutter
Gondoliers, Finale from The - Gilbert & Sullivan
Goodnight, Irene - Ledbetter-Lomax-De Cormier
Grace - Mark Hayes
Ground, The - Ola Gjeilo
Hallelujah - Beethoven
Hallelujah from Messiah - G F Handel
Hallelujah, Amen - Handel
Hands That First Held Mary's Child, The - Forrest-Troeger
Happy Holiday/White Christmas - Irving Berlin
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Jay Althouse
Hear My Prayer - Moses Hogan
He Comes At Christmastide - Young-Heyde
I - Incarnate Love - Young-Heyde
II - To Him We Sing - Young-Heyde
III - Who Is He In Yonder Stall? - Young-Heyde
He Is Born - Wagner
He Is Risen - Linda Pratt
He Is the Root and the Offspring of David - Robert Cundick
Hodie! - John Leavitt
Holly Carol - Edwin Fissinger
Holy Jesus, O - Jonathan Willcocks
Holy Night, O - René Clausen
Homeland - Holst-Stroope
Homeward Bound - Keen-Wilberg
How Blest Are They - Tchaikovsky
How Can I Keep From Singing - Staheli
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place - Johannes Brahms
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling-Place - Johannes Brahms
Hymn to the Fallen - John Williams
MC 028: Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus) - Charles Gounod
I Saw Three Ships - Parker-Shaw
I Will Sing With the Spirit - John Rutter
I'll Be Home for Christmas - Paul Langford
If Music Be The Food Of Love - David C. Dickau
In Dat Great Gittin' Up Mornin' - Jester Hairston
In Dulci Jubilo - B Gesius
In Praise of Christmas - Colla-Westerfield
In The Bleak Mid-Winter - Mack Wilberg
In the Bleak Mid-winter - Thomas L Durham
In the bleak midwinter - Katherine K Davis
Incarnation, The - Lou Williams-Wimberly
Irving Berlin's America
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear - Paul Sjolund
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear - John Rutter
It Is Well with My Soul - Bliss-Wilberg
Watched My Savior, I - Craig Courtney
Jabberwocky - Boyd Bacon
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach
Jesus, Once of Humble Birth - James C Kasen
John Rutter Carols
07 - Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming - M. Praetorius
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine - Norman Luboff
Joyful Children, O - Carl Strommen
Joyful Children, O - Carl Strommen
Joy to the World! - John Rutter
MC 100: Jesu, Word of God Incarnate (Ave Verum) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
King of Love My Shepherd Is, The - Mack Wilberg
Kyrie (from Annelies) - James Whitbourn
Lacrymosa from Requiem - Mozart-Hoggard
La Cucaracha - Ramon Noble
Lamb of God - F Melius Christiansen
Last Full Measure of Devotion, The - Fraser-Davis
Last Words of David, The - Randall Thompson
Let all mortal flesh keep silence - Gustav Holst
Let Freedom Ring - Keith Christopher
Let peace then still the strife - Mack Wilberg
Let There Be Peace on Earth - Miller-Jackson-Ades
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men - Ralph Vaughn Williams
Lewis Carroll Sampler, A - Robert Jordahl
1. How Doth the Little Crocodile - Robert Jordahl
2. Father William - Robert Jordahl
4. Beautiful Soup - Robert Jordahl
Like a River - Orrin Hatch and Janice Kapp Perry
Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming - John Rutter
Look at the World - John Rutter
Lord's Prayer, The - Leroy Robertson
Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace - John Rutter
Love Came Down at Christmas - Rossetti-Rutter
Love That Will Not Let Me Go, O - Matheson-Martin
Lullaby - Frederick Keel
Magnum Mysterium, O - Morten Lauridsen
Mairi's Wedding - Bob Chilcott
MC 096: Gloria In Excelsis Deo - W A Mozart
Memory from CATS - John Leavitt
Merry Christmas Past - Williams-Prin
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas - John Williams
Messiah - G F Handel
Motherless Child - Linda Williams
Music - Walter-Porterfield
My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord (Magnificat) - John Rutter
National Anthem - Robert Russell Bennett
Neighbor's Chorus - Jacques Offenbach
New Year - John Rutter
Nothing is Worth the Making - David C Dahlquist
O Come All Ye Faithful - John Rutter
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel - Robert P Manookin
O Fortuna - Carl Orff
O Hearken Ye - Alfred Burt
O Little Town of Bethlehem - John Rutter
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Dan Forrest
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Kaye Hawkes Goodyear
O Love Divine - John Hudson
O Nata Lux - Morten Lauridsen
O, Green and Shimmering Tree, Good Day! - Mack Wilberg
Of The Father's Love Begotten - Chenoweth
Oklahoma, Medley from - Rodgers-Hammerstein
Old Things Are Done Away - Leroy J Robertson
Once In Royal David's City - Lowell Durham
Panis Angelicus - Franck-Grady
Personent Hodie - Lara Hoggard
Pie Jesu - Andrew Lloyd Webber
Pledge of Allegiance, The - Alfred Reed
Polovtsian Dances from Prince Igor - Borodin
Praise To The Lord, The Almighty - Mack Wilberg
Prayer to Jesus - Castre-Terry
Prayer, The - Mark Hayes
Promise of Living, The - Aaron Copland
Proud To Serve - Michael Davis
Psalm 23 - Paul Basler
Rainsong - Houston Bright
Redeemer of Israel - Wilberg
Red, Red Rose, A - Mulholland
Richard Rogers in Concert - Mac Huff
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow - John Rutter
Rose, The - Ola Gjeilo
Salmo 150 - Ernani Aguiar
Seeds Grow to Plants - John Rutter
Send in the Clowns - Sondheim-Martin
Shenandoah - James Erb
Shine Alleluia (round)
Shut de Do - Stonehill-Hayes
Silent Night - Paul Sjolund
Simple Holiday Joys - Ost-Fisher-Pooler
Sing Me to Heaven - Daniel E Gawthrop
Sing to Me - Joseph M Martin
Sleigh Ride - Hawley Ades
Soft, Soft - Hanson-Lyon
Some Children See Him - Alfred Burt
Somewhere In My Memory - John Williams
Song of Democracy - Howard Hanson
Song of Thanksgiving
Soon Ah Will Be Done - William L Dawson
Spirit of the Season - Ballard-Silvestri-Sterling
Star Carol, The - Alfred Burt
Star-Spangled Banner, The - Benjamin K. Winkler
Stars and Stripes Forever, The - Benjamin K. Winkler
Stars and Stripes Forever, The - Sousa-Winkler
Still, Still, Still - Norman Luboff
Stomp Your Foot - Aaron Copland
Such A Small King - Causey
Suddenly You're Older - Robert F Brunner
Sunshine In My Soul - Hewitt-Sweney-Coates
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from Marry Poppins
Sweet Songs Of Christmas - Emily Crocker
Tambourine Noel - Gordon Young
Testament of Freedom - Jefferson-Thompson
1. God Who Gave Us Life, The - Jefferson-Thompson
2. We Have Counted the Cost - Jefferson-Thompson
3. We Fight Not For Glory - Jefferson-Thompson
4. I Shall Not Die Without A Hope - Jefferson-Thompson
There Is a Balm In Gilead - William L. Dawson
There Shall A Star Come Out of Jacob - Mendelssohn
This is My Country
This Is The Christ - Faust-Moody-Wolford
Thou Gracious God Whose Mercy Lends - Mack Wilberg
Thou Gracious God, Whose Mercy Lends - Holmes-Wilberg
Three Contemporary Madrigals - Eugene Butler
1. Ladies and Ye Youthful Lovers - Eugene Butler
2. O Lovely Bird - Eugene Butler
3. Welcome to May - Eugene Butler
Three Far-Eastern Carols
Lullaby - Malcolm Sargent
Nature Carol - Malcolm Sargent
Sing, Ye Birds - Malcolm Sargent
Three Kings of Orient - John Rutter
Throw the Yule Log On, Uncle John - PDQ Bach
Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof
Twas the Night Before Christmas - Darby-Simeone
1 - Warm Ups
War to End All Wars, The - Benjamin K. Winkler
We'll Dress the House - Hutson-Burt
We Will Go Up - David C. Dahlquist
West Side Story - Bernstein-Sondheim-Thomas
Wexford Carol, The - Spevacek
What Is This Fragrance - Dale Warland
What Is This Lovely Fragrance? - Healey Willan
What Shall We Give? - Mack Willberg
What Sweeter Music - John Rutter
When The Saints Go Marching In - John Rutter
When You Believe from the Prince of Egypt - Schwartz-Snyder
When You Wish Upon A Star - Roy Ringwald
Where Is The Child - John Ness Beck
Wish You Christmas, I - John Rutter
Wondrous Love - Alice Parker and Robert Shaw
Work of Christmas, The - Thurman-Forrest
Ye watchers and ye holy ones - Riley-Fisher
Zion's Walls - Copland-Koponen
2003 Performances
2003-11 Payson Mountainview Stake Center
2004 Performances
2004-12-12 St George Tabernacle
2007 Performances
2007-04-06 American Leadership Academy
2007-05-25 Payson High School
2007-12-07 Saint George Tabernacle
2007-12-16 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2008 Performances
2008-03-21 Provo Tabernacle
2008-04-12 West Jordan High School
2008-10-17 Payson High School
2008-11-30 Payson Mountainview Stake Center
2008-12-21 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2009 Performances
2009-04-10 Provo Tabernacle
2009-05-18 West Jordan Middle School
2009-05-23 Payson High School
2009-11-29 Payson Mountainview Stake Center
2010 Performances
2010-04-02 Provo Tabernacle
2010-05-08 West Jordan High School
2010-05-27 Payson High School
2010-05-28 Saint George Tabernacle
2010-12-19 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2011 Performances
2011-04-29 West Jordan Middle School
2011-05-07 Utah State Hospital Chapel
2011-05-12 Payson High School
2012 Performances
2012-04-20 Copper Hills High School
2012-11-30 St. George
2013 Performances
2013-05-30 Payson High School
2013-11-09 Nephi
2013-11-16 Payson High School
2013-12-15 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2014 Performances
2014-04-26 West Jordan High School
2014-05-10 Payson High School
2015 Performances
2015-03-27 Provo Multi-Stake Center
2015-04-17 Copper Hills High School
2015-12-20 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2016 Performances
2016-04-16 Copper Hills High School
2016-06-03 Payson High School
2016-10-18 Elijah at Payson High School
2016-12-18 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2017 Performances
2017-04-07 West Jordan High School
2017-04-09 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2017-05-30 Payson High School
2017-12-17 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2018 Performances
2018-03-30 Spanish Fork
2018-04-21 West Jordan High School
2018-05-29 Payson High School
2018-12-16 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2019 Performances
2019-04-14 Spanish Fork
2019-04-26 Herriman High School
2019-05-17 Payson City Center
2019-11-22 St George Tabernacle
2019-12-15 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2021 Performances
2021-12-19 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2022 Performances
2022-04-10 Spanish Fork LDSSA Stake Center
2022-04-28 Payson High School
2022-12-02 St George Tabernacle
2022-12-18 Payson LDS South Stake Center
2023 Performances
2023-03-24 Salem Hills High School
2023-03-26 Elk Ridge Stake Center
2023-12-17 Payson South Stake
2024 Performances
2024-01-28 Springville South Stake Combined
2024-12-15 Payson South Stake
2024-12-23 Christmas
2025 Performances
2025-02-25 Payson High School
Payson Civic Chorale
An American Celebration - Arr. Carl Strommen
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