Class Attendance

Synchronous Class Attendance

Click Here to Complete the Absence Form

Remember, you must be logged into your PA Virtual Parent Email Account to Access the Form

To be marked present in a class, students who are required to be in a virtual (synchronous) class session, are required to do so for the entire class period, in an active and participatory manner. Students who accumulate unexcused class absences will participate in the school’s Academic Probation Process. The Academic Probation Process is intended to help students improve their class attendance and any other issues related to academic non-compliance. If the provisions of the Academic Probation Process are not met, the student could face disciplinary action as outlined in this handbook (see the Academic Probation section of the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct).

Daily/Class Attendance Equivalence

To be considered “in attendance” at PA Virtual, a student is required to log in to Blackboard (daily attendance) on a daily basis. In addition, students who attend classes synchronously (virtual) have the added requirement of attending and participating in scheduled virtual (synchronous) classes. Because students who attend virtual (synchronous) classes have the added requirement of logging in to their scheduled virtual (synchronous) class, to be considered “in attendance” these students have to meet both requirements. Students who log in to Blackboard, but neglect to attend their scheduled virtual (synchronous) class(es) will be in violation of the school’s daily attendance and truancy policy. Missing four (4) virtual (synchronous) classes will be equivalent to one (1) unexcused absence for daily attendance purposes.

Excused Absences

When a student is absent from a synchronous class, the parent needs to notify the teacher via the absence form (top right) or by email for the missed class within 3 school days. If a parent fails to notify the teacher of an absence, then the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School recognizes the following as valid excuses for absence of a student from class, provided satisfactory evidence or documentation for the excuse is provided to the student’s teacher:

· Death in the Immediate Family: An absence resulting from the death of a member of the student’s immediate family is excused. The immediate family of a student includes, but is not necessarily limited to, parents, grandparents, brother and sister.

· Medical or Dental Appointments: An absence resulting from a medical or dental appointment that cannot be scheduled outside of regularly scheduled school hours. Notice should be given to the teacher prior to the absence, except in the case of emergency.

· Illness or Injury: An absence resulting from illness or injury which prevents the student from being physically able to attend class is excused. Any student missing three or more consecutive classes or 10 total classes requires a note from a physician.

· Quarantine: An absence that is ordered by the local health office or by the State Board of Health is excused.

· Court or Administrative Proceedings: An absence resulting from the attendance of a student at the proceedings of a court or an administrative tribunal if the student is a party to the action or under subpoena as a witness is excused.

· Observance of a Religious Holiday: Observance of a Religious Holiday- PA Code § 11.21: Upon written parental request, a student shall be excused from school to attend classes for religious instruction under section 1546 of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § 15-1546). The excusal shall be limited to a total of not more than 36 hours per school year.

·Family emergency- family emergencies shall be strictly construed and do not permit irregular attendance.

· Educational Opportunities or Family Educational Trips: An absence may be excused when it is demonstrated that the purpose of the absence is to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity. Approval for such an absence must be granted prior to the absence in accordance with the Student Educational Leave of Absence policy.

Please Note:

  • A maximum of 10 absences verified by parental notification may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond 10 may require an excuse from a physician.

  • If a student is absent for 3 or more consecutive classes due to illness, a physician’s note is required.

  • Students who are absent due to school-issued computer technical issues:

    • (1) Must contact Technical Support at (877) 883-3653 and troubleshoot the issue to receive a technical ticket number.

    • (2) The parent/legal guardian must complete the absence form or contact their FSC with the Technical Support ticket number.