News and Updates

Lake Land Dates

Career Day- Senior Field Trip

Date: October 3

High school students throughout the district have the opportunity to register for over 175 different sessions in an array of fields, including agriculture, health care, business, information technology, cosmetology, humanities and arts, communications, math, science, engineering, education, criminal justice, human services, psychology, sociology, political science, history, automotive, construction, technology, leadership, success in college, and more! Sessions are either 20 or 50 minutes in length, allowing students to explore topics at a basic or in-depth level of the particular field. 

Laker Visit Days


Time: 9:00 am- 12:00 pm

These are on-your-own college days! 

Visit Lake Land College and find out all the college offers at Laker Visit Day! The event will start in the Luther Student Center LobbyThe event is for potential students who are interested in learning more about Lake Land College, such as touring campus with a student ambassador, meeting with faculty, and learning about student services. A parent/guardian session will be offered.

To register visit: or call (217) 234-5377

Due to FAFSA's release date being pushed pack to December, Lake Land College will not be doing Financial Aid Nights until January or February.

Important Dates and Reminders

Great for anyone interested in Nursing! 

Seniors- Make sure to be checking the 2024 Seniors Classroom Page for updated scholarship opportunities, important dates, and tasks that need completed.  

TCCU Scholarship is due to the Guidance Office no later than end of the day, 10/11/2023

Tutoring is available after school from 3:30-4:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

October is College Changes Everything Month! We will be having the following celebration dates: 

October 3- College/Trade School T-shirt Day

Wear your favorite college or trade school shirt

October 10- College/Trade School Colors Day

Wear your favorite college or trade school colors 

October 17- What I WANTED to BE!

Represent what you wanted to be when you were a little kid

October 24- Interview Day/College Spirit Day

Sign up for Mock Interviews and then dress the part or show up with as much college pride as possible to your dream college!

October 31- What I WANT to BE!

Not to be confused with what you WANTED to be. Represent the profession you want to be in now. (They may still be the same!)

There will also be an Enrichment Competition! 

October Dates for College Reps:

Career Day at Lake Land College- October 3

TRiO- October 12-13

UTI Representative- October 17

Lake Land College Representative- October 24

Greenville University Representative- October 25

Planning Ahead- Juniors 

Somethings juniors can be doing now to get ahead in post high school plans: