
WHY???   God says so!!  I attended a Lutheran grade school and appreciate the multitude of Bible verses, catechism parts and hymns that I memorized while growing up.  "Write them on the tablet of your heart, " Proverbs 7:3.  This memorization has been a comfort and joy to me throughout many stages of my life!  It is God's desire that we know Him and grow in faith, memorizing His words and words that proclaim His salvation story are fulfilling His command!

WHEN???  Students in Grade 3 are given an opportunity to recite the memory for the week on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday mornings.  Time will be allocated after morning announcements.  There will be times when small groups are able to recite or sing the assignment.  **Please note that all memory for the week should be recited at the same time.  For example, when two verses are assigned, they BOTH need to be recited together, not one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday.

WHAT???  Everyone receives a hard copy at the beginning of the year and students receive a quarterly copy at the beginning of each quarter, OR for your convenience click on the appropriate attachment below!  

SCHEDULE...The first week of memory will be the 2nd 'full" week of school!   The school year theme verse - John 15:4-5 can be recited any day - Tuesday, September 5th  through Friday, September 8th!

1st quarter memory2324.docx
2nd quarter memory2223.docx
3rd quarter memory82122.docx
4th quarter memory2223.docx