Using BYOD

Otago Girls’ High School provides students with access to a wireless network and the option of bringing in a personal computing device to enhance their education. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide technical information on how to connect a personal device to the school’s wireless network.

Connection Procedures

Connecting an Apple or Windows device:

  1. Connect to the OGHS-BYOD wi-fi.
  2. Authenticate using your school login account and password.

Connecting a Chromebook:

  1. Connect to the OGHS-BYOD wi-fi.
  2. For EAP method select PEAP.
  3. For Phase 2 authentication select MSCHAPV2.
  4. For Certificate select Do not check certificate.
  5. For Identity type your school login account.
  6. Leave blank the Anonymous Identity.
  7. Enter your password in Password.

Connecting an Android device:

  1. Connect to the OGHS-BYOD wi-fi.
  2. For EAP method select PEAP. (You may need to click Advanced to display this setting.)
  3. For Phase 2 authentication select MSCHAPV2.
  4. For Certificate leave empty or select Do not validate.
  5. For Identity type your school login account.
  6. Leave blank the Anonymous Identity.
  7. Enter your password in Password.