Guidance Counsellor & Health Nurse

School Guidance Counsellor

Rosie Bray and Kara Tarapi, our school counsellors, are very experienced.  They have worked with many students presenting with a variety of issues and concerns during their time at Otago Girls'. No issue is too big or too small. If an issue is affecting a student’s well-being it is important to seek help and support.

Students access Rosie or Kara for a wide range of issues including but not exclusive to:

1.    School related issues-  friendships, bullying including cyber bullying, school work, stress, anxiety, not getting along with a teacher, not wanting to come to school/not enjoying school, study and exam skills, financial issues

2.    Family issues – family members not getting on, death or illness of a family member, parents separating, step parenting issues, abuse-verbal, physical, sexual, parents out of work, addiction issues 

3.    Personal issues – mood issues, suicidal thinking and behaviour, self- harm, eating issues, anxiety and stress, relationship issues, anger, grief, sexual identity issues, sexual health issues, body image, alcohol and drug issues  

Rosie and Kara provide a confidential counselling service to individuals or groups of students. This means they don't tell anyone what is said in the counselling room unless given permission from the student or asked by the student to do so. There is an exception to this and that is if there is an immediate safety risk to self or others.

Students can make an appointment with one of the counsellors via e-mail. For Rosie, please e-mail and for Kara, please e-mail  

Most students self-refer. Some are brought along by friends. Teachers and parents may also refer.

Students can also see Rosie or Kara if they are concerned for a friend or someone else who they may be worried about.

At times your counsellor may suggest a referral for counselling help outside of school to other counselling agencies. 

Please keep in mind that Rosie and Kara are only available during school time. If you are needing support outside of school hours, please call of text 1737 for free 24/7 counselling support OR talk to another safe adult that you trust. 

Health Nurse 

Rebecca (Becs) Young is a Registered Nurse, and is available in K13 every Monday lunchtime to support students with physical and mental health needs. Examples of this include: 

All visits are confidential unless there was a concern around safety for self or others.

You can contact Becs via email at or by texting 0272013421 for an appointment OR just show up to her Monday clinics at lunchtime in K13.