Currect Projects & Research

I am currently working on the joint process of internationalization and Islamization of the North Caucasus as a borderland between the Ottoman Empire, the Tsardom of Muscovy (later the Russian Empire), and Safavid/Afsharid Iran from the mid-sixteenth to the mid-eighteenth centuries. After this, the second phase of my research project will aim to elucidate the forced migrations of North Caucasian peoples by the Russian Empire and their settlement in the Middle East by the Ottoman authorities—specifically in Syria between 1853 and 1877—based on Ottoman, Russian, and Arabic primary sources.

North Caucasus section of Guillaume De L’Isle’s 1724 map of Persia, courtesy of

Any SUNY Oswego student is welcome to work with me on academic research projects related to the history of the Middle East, Caucasus, Ottoman Empire, Islamic World, Russian Empire, etc. Please contact me via e-mail if you are interested in working with me on one of my projects or on a project that you may propose. For my broader research interests, please click on Teaching & Research Interests.

Left: Ottoman Imperial Letter to the Shamkhal of Daghestan, 28 April 1594, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, Mühimme Defteri 72, no. 277.

Right: Muscovite translation of Selim II's letter to Ivan IV, 1570, Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Drevnikh Aktov, Turetskie Dela, kniga 2, fol. 56b-59a

Tsar Ivan IV of Muscovy