Power Struggle: Lenin Dies, Stalin Beats Out Trotsky!

Lenin Dies

Joseph Stalin

Leon Trotsky

Before Lenin's death, he has run the government under terror, violently repressing anyone that spoke out against his leadership or the movement. He felt terror was the only way to protect the vulnerable revolution.

He had set up a government system where Communist Party leaders ran Soviets (local, regional and national councils representing workers). Russia was renamed for these workers' councils and became known as The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR or the Soviet Union).

In 1924, Lenin died, and people wondered who would take Lenin's position as leader of the Party and revolution. Joseph Stalin fought Leon Trotsky for leadership. To virtually no one's knowledge, Lenin wrote a letter claiming that he wished Trotsky would assume his power. He was suspicious of Stalin's power hungry and selfish motives.

Stalin and Trotsky disagreed on some pivotal issues. Stalin:

1) had a reputation as a "thug," involved in numerous bank robberies (to fund Communist projects) and bombings

2) was not a great public speaker, and was seen as "rough around the edges," with a quick temper (he was known to beat his wife in public)

3) Communism should first be perfected in the Soviet Union (The new name for Russia once Communists took over)

Stalin solidifies power in 1929. Had power to expel party members. By expel them meant that he would kill anyone who disagreed with him

Trotsky, on the other hand:

1) was known as a brilliant intellectual and speaker; and a sensible military leader

2) was preferred by Lenin

3) wished to spread Communism to other nations immediately, to enlarge the Communist support base among workers of the world.

So who won the leadership?

Stalin Teamed up with two other men to defame (ruin the reputation of) Trotsky. Party loyalty was of the utmost importance, which involved following the leadership directions, no matter what. Stalin made sure his two associates let everyone know the times that Trotsky had disagreed with Lenin in years past. They highlighted that Trotsky was not always a Bolshevik. Loyalty to the party (and time devoted) was very important. (Ironically, Trotsky knew Lenin longer!)

Trotsky was the victim to Stalin's verbal campaign. Despite Stalin's attacks, Trotsky stepped back, as he respected the votes of the Party. Though he could have used the Red Army potentially to oust Stalin, he did not want to split the Party and weaken it.

Trotsky lived in exile (he was kicked out of the Soviet Union by Stalin) until his assassination in 1940 in Mexico. Trotsky was attacked in his home with an ice axe by an undercover assassin sent by Stalin. The blow to Trotsky's head was poorly delivered and failed to kill Trotsky instantly. He was taken to a hospital, operated on, and survived for more than a day, dying at the age of 60 as a result of blood loss and shock.