Russian Revolution Home

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Welcome to the Russian Revolution Webquest. We hope you enjoy your learning!

Standards being addressed:

15 - Explain how the consequences of World War I and the worldwide depression set the stage for the Russian Revolution, the rise of totalitarianism, aggressive Axis expansion and the policy of appeasement, which, in turn, led to World War II.

Students will be able to:

+ identify key pieces of the Russian Revolution.

+ analyze the reasons behind the Russian exit from WWI.

+ identify the key components of communism.

+ analyze the critical events that happened during the Russian Revolution.

+ compare the Russian Revolution to past revolutions in history.

Please make sure both partners are writing the entire time! You will have two class bells to finish this assignment. You will receive information for two pages at time.

PACING - Each page should take you about 7-8 minutes.

Below you see 9 sub-pages. Each contains information for a certain part of your Webquest. They are not in order!

When you are finished with your Webquest, click on the checkmark and take a short self-assessment poll. Each person needs to do this.