Info on pieces and assembly

Gloves: should be rubber gloves for ANH and silk gloves for ESB. You can get the correct chemical gloves with textured fingertips at home depot domestically.The way to make rubber gloves comfortable is to wear silk gloves inside them. Easy on, easy off, wicks away some moisture.

Buffing out Scratches

If boots hook on shins...

Holster for blaster: "

ANH (Stunt and Hero) :

    • Holster must be attached to the belt from behind instead with no loops covering the outside of the belt

ANH Stunt :

    • The holster should be attached using only two fasteners at the top of the straps."

Shoulder Bells: You can wear the shoulder bells which ever way you want, there is little consistency in the movie.

ATA Bicep sides: The bicep with the nike swoosh looking cutout is the left. The reason some armor kits have two just alike is they are using only the screen used parts where one bicep and one forearm came off a LFL tour suit to create a right and left parts. Replacing the tour suit parts with something more accurate is in the works though.

LEGS Assembling leg tutorial

This photo of leg pairing is WRONG... the inners and the outers were paired together.