Course Materials

Q. Do I need a calculator?

  • No. Calculators are NOT allowed on exams and quizzes. However, you may use one for homework.

Q. Do I need to purchase a license for WebAssign?

  • Yes. You may purchase it bundled with the textbook or separately online through WebAssign.

Q. Do I need to purchase a textbook?

  • No. There is a digital manuscript of the textbook on WebAssign. If you prefer a hard copy, refer to the Syllabus.


Q. How do I access WebAssign?

  • On NYU Classes for your course, there is a link that says "WebAssign" on the left side bar.

Q. How many attempts do I get on the homework?

  • There are 5 attempts for each free response, 3 attempts for each multiple choice, and 1 attempt for each two-choice question.

Q. How much time do I get on the homework?

  • You can work on it as many times as you need until the due date/time.

Q. When are the due dates for the homework?

    • Refer to your instructor.

Written Homework

Q. How much justification should we give on homework?

  • Your solutions should follow this guideline: If one of your peers read the question for the first time, then they should be able to understand how you arrived at your solution.

Q. How to submit homework assignments?

  • Unless otherwise noted, hard copy of the homework is collected in the beginning of class on the due date.

Q. Will there be partial credit?

  • Yes, partial credit is granted on all free responses.


Q. When will we have quizzes?

  • Refer to your instructor.


Q. When and where are the midterm exams?

  • The first two midterm exams are held in class on the days listed in the Calendar.

Q. When and where are the final exams?

  • Thursday, May 11 at 2pm - 3:50pm. The room is to be determined.

Q. Will the exams be cumulative?

  • Yes, the exams are cumulative. In particular, the first two midterm exams will focus on the new material; however, you might see a problem from the new material with a step that depends on older material. The final exam will consists of questions from all sections of the course.

Q. What is the format of the midterm exams?

  • Refer to your instructor.

Q. What is the format of the final exam?

  • There will be approximately 10 multiple choices and 5 free response.

Q. Are the exams curved?

  • No.

Getting Help

Q. Where do I get more practice problems?

  • Do the odd-numbered problems in the appropriate sections and the review problems at the end of each chapter of the textbook. The solutions are in the back of the book. Afterwards, if you need more practice, feel free to stop by office hours for additional problems.

Q. Do I need an appointment to come to office hours?

  • No, you do not need an appointment to stop by during regularly scheduled office hours.

Q. What if I cannot make the regularly scheduled office hours?

  • Email to make an appointment.

Q. Are there tutoring available?

Q. How much time should we expect to put into this course?

  • You should spend an additional 8 -12 hours of focused work outside the class. This entails working on homework assignments, reading the textbook, reviewing class notes, and preparing for quizzes and exams.

General Course Questions

Q. Is the final course grade curved?

  • If needed, it may be curved upward to meet University norms. The curve cannot be determined until after the final exam.

Q. What happens if I miss class?

  • If you miss class, ask a classmate for their notes and if there were any announcements made in class. Late homework will not be accepted and there are no make up quizzes.