

During the semester there will be two (2) midterm exams in class during the semester. Consult your instructor for exact dates and format.

The final exam for all sections of calculus will be Thursday, May 11th, at 2pm.


WWH 109 - SECTIONS 004, 005, 007

GCASL C95 - SECTIONS 001, 002, 003, 006

Exams will contain a mixture of computational and conceptual problems. Some of them will resemble homework problems, while some will be brand new to you. The final exam is likely to be a mixture of multiple choice and free response problems.


Consult your instructor and/or your section's NYU Classes page for the specifics of quiz schedule and policy for your course.

Policy on out-of-sequence exams and missed quizzes

We are only able to accommodate a limited number of out-of-sequence exams due to limited availability of rooms and proctors. For this reason, we may approve out-of-sequence exams in the following cases:

    1. A documented medical excuse.

    2. A University sponsored event such as an athletic tournament, a play, or a musical performance. Athletic practices and rehearsals do not fall into this category. Please have your coach, conductor, or other faculty advisor contact your instructor.

    3. A religious holiday.

    4. Extreme hardship such as a family emergency.

We will not be able to accommodate out-of-sequence exams, quizzes, and finals for purposes of more convenient travel, including already purchased tickets. Please note again the date of the final and plan your summer break travel accordingly.

Scheduled out-of-sequence exams and quizzes must be taken within one university business day of the regularly scheduled exam or quiz (except in extreme emergency situations involving extended medical care). If not made up, missed quizzes are counted as zero. If one midterm exam is missed and not made up, we will replace it with the final exam score. If both midterms are missed, the second midterm will be scored as zero and not replaced.