Lab Rules and Guidelines

Here is an introduction to the procedures and protocols to working within the lab. All the lab members should follow these rules.

A. Keeping Lab Work Areas Clean & Organized: 

    Everyone is responsible for the safety of the lab. All the members are responsible to clean up the lab and their own work area. 

    After using instruments, you must (clean them and) return them to the original place where you found!  

    You must notify Dr. Farajidavar, if you -accidentally- damage an instrument.

    People who do not follow up their own responsibility (not cleaning up after themselves, misplacing equipment, etc.) will not be allowed to stay in this group.


B. Keeping a Lab Notebook:

    Everyone should keep a personal lab notebook. All the pages should be initialized and dated on top by the notebook owner. The lab notebook will remain in the lab after graduation. Here is a link about lab notebook:

C. Participation in Lab Meeting:

    Everyone has to participate in the weekly lab meeting, and present his/her own research progress in power point format. Everyone has to e-mail the ppt presentation to Dr. Farajidavar immediately after the meeting. The files should be named as "first name_last name_brief topic of research_mm-dd-yy". 

    Absence or being late is not allowed without a phone or email notice one day before the meeting day.

D. Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects

    If your research involves human subjects you must first complete the required IRB training. Please see this link from the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (OSPAR):